3 High Paying Careers to Consider

Happiness is important in any career. However, it’s not always the full story. Many of us are looking for ways to earn more money. We want jobs that satisfy us, whilst also providing a generous paycheque. When you’re trying to find a career that pays well and is interesting, it can be difficult to know…

How Do You Use Your Credit Card Rewards?

How Do You Use Your Credit Card Rewards?

If you pay off your credit cards every month, I am a strong advocate of harnessing the power of rewards cards. If you don’t pay off your cards every month, the interest rate generally destroys the value of using rewards cards. Over the last several years, I’ve usually opened new credit cards when planning for…

Sunbasket: Worth the Splurge?

Sunbasket: Worth the Splurge?

In our continuing quest to find an affordable meal kit that has good recipes, this month I moved on to Sunbasket. Now, Sunbasket is definitely in the splurge category. It’s one of the more expensive meal kits I’ve looked at during this project. The introductory offer was $70 off across 4 meal orders. We all…

Accountability: June 2021

Profile I am thirty six years old and I’m a freelance digital event producer. I make $50/hour at the main company I work with. I also work part time for a theatre company doing a digital murder mystery/escape room for £15-£20 a show a few evenings a week. Spending & Saving I’ve been having a…

How to Protect Yourself from Unexpected Bills

No matter how financially secure you are, you can always get taken by surprise. Many people are hit with unexpected bills and struggle to handle them, whether it’s a sudden medical emergency, a busted water tank, or your math isn’t as good as you thought it was, life can be an expensive game. Let’s take…

How I Started Planning for Retirement

How I Started Planning for Retirement

One thing I’ve noticed when talking with college students about personal finance is how totally overwhelmed they are on exactly where to start. It’s easy to get a few years down the path of financial literacy and forget how impossible making any progress can seem. So let’s review a little. Step 1 for planning for…

Your New Source for Daily Top Stock Picks

Long story short: if you’re not following Money Machine Newsletter’s daily stock ideas, you’re leaving money in the market. If you ask most old-fashioned stock market investors, they’ll tell you to pick your stocks and leave your money there for years, sometimes decades, to reap your returns in retirement. Money Machine Newsletter believes long-term investing…

Blue Apron: Worth the Splurge?

Blue Apron: Worth the Splurge?

Continuing with our meal subscription theme, (you can check out the Hello Fresh review here), we moved on to Blue Apron. I often see Hello Fresh and Blue Apron mentioned as similar meal plans. Price-wise they were in the same range. Blue Apron has a $10 cashback on Rakuten on top of their introductory discounts.…

Setting up a home office on a tight budget? 4 money-saving ideas

Thinking about starting your own business? Setting up an office in your home can be a big decision. If you’re planning to spend endless hours working there, it’s essential to put enough thought and effort into getting everything right. You’ll be so much more productive if you’re comfortable and can stay organized. Here are 4…

Simplifying My Credit Card Strategy

Simplifying My Credit Card Strategy

There’s something to be said for simplicity. This past year, when I was knee deep in trying to buy a house, I knew I couldn’t mess with my credit score and so I just left every credit card I had alone. I have been a fairly hardcore rewards card churner for the last seven years.…

Tips To Stretch Your Budget As A Medical Student

Getting an education on a budget can be challenging, as most millennials already know. However, there are several effective ways that you can stretch your budget, whether you are a med student, an accounting student, or pursuing qualifications in any other field. These savvy savings tips will help you get through med school with less…

Accountability: May 2021

Profile I am thirty six years old and I’m a freelance digital event producer. I make $50/hour at the main company I work with. I also work part time for a theatre company doing a digital murder mystery/escape room for £15-£20 a show a few evenings a week. Spending & Saving What a fast month.…

Hello Fresh: Worth the Splurge?

Hello Fresh: Worth the Splurge?

Something I find kind of difficult is meal planning. I don’t really like cooking. I am sort of cheap, so buying everything to make some fancy meal really adds up when you don’t cook regularly and already have a cabinet full of spices and oils and the basics to cook. I also am either on…

Workplace Accidents: Five Immediate Steps to Take

Even with all the safety standards that employees respect, workplace accidents still happen frequently. In some industries, on-the-job accidents can have serious implications and drastically affect the victim’s life. As an employee, it’s critical to know how to act in case of an accident. If you take the right steps after the accident, you have…

Accountability: April 2021

Profile I am thirty six years old and I’m a freelance digital event producer. I make $50/hour at the main company I work with. I also work part time for a theatre company doing a digital murder mystery/escape room for £15 a show a few evenings a week. Spending & Saving So my month largely…

Tips To Create An Income When Relocating Abroad

If you have made the decision to relocate abroad, there are various important factors you will need to consider; finding ex-pat health insurance and relevant health details depending on the region you have chosen to move to, such as Mexican insurance or health insurance in Australia. However, once you have considered most of the essential…

Time For a Pause

Time For a Pause

On July 22, 2013 I was 28 years old and I published WTF is this Stock Market Thing? (Step 1). (You totally don’t have to click that link. It’s not a very good post.) For the last 2815 days, seven and a half years, I’ve posted at least three times a week. For several years…

Accountability: March 2021

Accountability: March 2021

Profile I am thirty six years old and I’m a freelance digital event producer. I make $50/hour and generally work about 16-20 hours a week, though work was busier than previous months this month. I also work part time for a theatre company doing a digital murder mystery/escape room for £15 a show a few…

Dobot: The Best Tool to Boost Savings

Dobot: The Best Tool to Boost Savings

About six years ago, I was a super advocate for digit and Dobot. Both of these are apps that connect to your checking account and siphon out small amounts using an algorithm (or you can schedule a set amount) into a saving account. They were incredible and free, but then both services started charging. If…

What Do Stage Managers Do?

What Do Stage Managers Do?

I was looking up some SEO information on Stage Management – for my non-blogger friends out there, that’s how to optimize for searches and found that one of the most commonly searched phrases is Stage Manager Job Description. And it got me thinking. It’s kind of a hard job to define, isn’t it? If you’re…