How I Plan for Retirement

How I Plan for Retirement

Retirement is such a crazy concept. Like, how on earth are we expected to know how much money we will need that far in the future? And every estimate you’re given regarding how much money you will need seems like a blatantly insane amount of money in your 20s. What is a brokeGIRL to do?…

5.) I will max out my IRA every year.

5.) I will max out my IRA every year.

Continuing with this series where I look at what progress I’ve made when I created my Money Manifesto shortly after starting this blog in 2013, today’s topic is IRA contributions. I tracked this a little better because when I checked out the manifesto, I had actually linked each year through 2018 to the accountability update…

How I Started Planning for Retirement

How I Started Planning for Retirement

One thing I’ve noticed when talking with college students about personal finance is how totally overwhelmed they are on exactly where to start. It’s easy to get a few years down the path of financial literacy and forget how impossible making any progress can seem. So let’s review a little. Step 1 for planning for…

What is a 401(k)?

What is a 401(k)?

A 401(k) is a retirement savings plan that is usually offered by an employer. If you work in education, your employer may offer you a 403(b), which is essentially the same thing. Additionally, if you’re self-employed, you can open a SEP 401(k), though they are a bit more complicated and while the essence of a…

An Important Retirement Account Reminder

An Important Retirement Account Reminder

Today’s post will be a quick one but important. When you open a retirement account like an IRA or 401(k), the money you contribute often goes into a money market account. After you make a contribution, you still have to invest that money! Some folks open retirement accounts and think that because the money is…

Why You Should Open an IRA in 2021

Why You Should Open an IRA in 2021

An IRA is an Individual Retirement Account and mine has played a key, if not the key, role in my financial success. And it all started with a stroke of luck and the right person coming into my life. When I was 25, I started dating a guy who peer pressured me relentlessly – to…

My Crash Course in the Establishment This Week

I have felt pretty good the last few years about finding my way financially through my weird, pieced together freelance/side hustling/stage manager life. I’ve fairly well rocked it with savings, investing, setting up retirement accounts, and even figuring out Health Savings Accounts. Funny story though, if you leave your weird little pieced together life, so…

Investment Considerations When Planning for Retirement

Planning for retirement means much more than thinking about the places you’ll go or things you’ll do. People need to start thinking early about how they’ll afford to retire and when. The process takes a lot of time and consideration, with so many different factors to think about before heading in for the final day…

The Best Way To Save For Retirement: Spend Your Money

Whenever you read advice about how to save for the future and retire in a financially secure position, they’ll all tell you to start saving money and cutting your spending. I’m not for a minute trying to suggest that you shouldn’t be doing that. Saving on your spending and putting money aside is a very…

How Tetris Is Like Personal Finance

How Tetris Is Like Personal Finance

This week, I got to meet one of my high school friend’s daughter for the first time. At one point in our conversation, we got to discussing money and investing, but Callie needed a little attention, so my friend started telling her all the video games he was going to teach her to play once…

5 Things Every Senior Should Know About Retirement

Though the current average retirement age is 62, retirement culture is swiftly changing. Today’s college graduates may not be able to retire until 75. If you’re a decade or more away from retirement, that could mean your retirement is pushed back closer to your early seventies. The good news here is that this gives you…

Things I Might Do With My IRA

Sometimes when I’m feeling a little unmotivated, I like to daydream about what I’ll use my retirement fund for. To be honest, when I first opened my Roth IRA, I used to mutter “Old Mel will be happy you’re doing this” as I transferred over large chunks of my paychecks. It was the only financial…

TODAY is the Day to Start Saving for Retirement

Compound interest is pretty much a miracle. Albert Einstein called it the eighth wonder of the world. But if you read a lot of personal finance blogs, they’re all yelling at 20-somethings to open retirement accounts and using math formulas to show all the amazing compound interest you’ll save up by barely putting in anything.…

Retire With the Money You Need

Having the money you need to retire doesn’t necessarily mean having a lot of money saved or having paid a lot into Social Security. By simply learning how to make smart financial decisions in retirement, you can still live well. You may not be taking a vacation to St. Tropez every year (or maybe you…

Investing for the Long-Term

There’s a book called The Top 10 Distinctions between Millionaires and the Middle Class. In which, the author talks about how rich people plan-year-to year and the very reach plan decade-to-decade. Of course we want to  become very rich. So it’s time to plan for the long-term. Now there is a major difference between investing…

How to Make Some Provisions for Retirement

It’s never too early to think about retirement. It will come one day and those who even save a small amount while they are in their 20s are likely to have a much more comfortable and satisfying time than those that spend all their income as they go along. The Social Security System was never…

Do You Do An Annual Social Security Review?

Do You Do An Annual Social Security Review?

The other day I got an email reminding me to do an annual review of my Social Security benefits. If you’ve logged into the government website before to check out any of your social security information, odds are good also get a similar email once a year.   Social Security can be a little confusing.…

Ready to Open an IRA? Here’s How to Do It!

Now that you’ve gotten a ballpark number you need for retirement, I bet you’re ready to do some saving! So you’re finally ready to take the plunge and open an IRA but have no idea where to get started? To start with, let’s consider a few things. Do you have a lump sum to open…

What’s Your Number? Retirement Planning 101

A few weeks ago we discussed some different methods for freelancers to save for retirement and hopefully you’ve gotten on that and opened up a savings account. And that’s definitely step one to not starving to death in retirement. But the entire notion of how much money you need can seem really daunting and confusing.…