Seems to me, the hardest part of side hustling is getting started. If you can’t make rent, want ways to save for that awesome vacation or are just trying to buy a flipping couch, here are 114 ways to get ‘er done!
Get paid for public speaking.
- Turn your own forms for budgeting and organizing into something other people can use.
- Substitute teach.
- Or teach a college course as an adjunct.
- Become an antique picker.
- Referee or coach something. Or teach fitness classes like yoga.
- Teach music lessons. This website isn’t even good. You could totally pull that off and then drop off advertisements at your local schools.
- Flip items that you have special, but often overlooked by others, knowledge about.
- Sell your old college term papers for, er, research purposes.*
- Become a freelance writer.
- Develop your own course at Udemy or Skillshare and set your own rates.
- Write standardized test questions.
- Write an eBook.
- Like researching stuff? Answer questions at ChaCha to pick up a few dollars.
- Tutor.
- Are you a teacher? Share your lesson plans and other cool resources at Teachers pay Teachers.
- Multilingual? Use it to generate some cash.
Become a personal trainer.
- Work from home and make your own hours as a transcriptionist.
- Take a basic bar tending class and then get your drink on. Or, um, other people’s drink on. Or skip the class all together and find a small bar willing to take a chance on you.
- Become an Emergency Medical Technician on evenings and weekends.
- Live near a big city with lots of big theaters? Take a class in moving light programming and become a programmer.
- Become a notary.
- Get ordained and start marrying folks (warning some R-rated language in this link).
- Lifeguard – you’ll probably need some training to pull this one off.
- Work as a masseuse.
Buy something other people want in bulk and sell it individually.
- Start your own vending machine business.
- Flip books from thrift stores and garage sales.
- Start your own photo booth business.
- Don’t mind early mornings? Start your own newspaper route.
- Become an Avon lady (er, or gentleman?).
- Invest in peer to peer lending, like Lending Club and Prosper.
Churn frequent flier miles.
- Get a roommate.
- Put an ad on your car.
- Or just the bumper.
- Donate plasma.
- If you know how to use an iPad and own black clothes? Help host auctions for rich folk.
- House sit.
- Sign up to be an eJuror.
- Have a heartwarming life story? Write it down and submit it to Chicken Soup for the Soul for $200.
- Be a trivia host at your local bar.
- Become a taste tester.
- Pass out samples.
- Mystery shopping.
- Work a phone-a-thon.
- Start a pet taxi service. Yes, you read that right, and it’s a real thing. If someone’s making that money, it might as well be you.
- Work as a gofer and do odd jobs.
- Work as a voice actor.
- Do menial tasks for Amazon and make some cash with Mechanical Turk.
- Join up with a company like Mary Kay, Herbalife, Jamberry, Paparazzi or Pure Romance.
- Love dogs? You could take one in for a week while it’s owner is on vacation and rack up some cash.
- Start your own designated driver service.
- Download one of these apps to make money while you shop – Gigwalk, iBotta, Receipt Hog, SavingStar, Field Agent, CheckPoints, EasyShift, or Shopkick.
- Donate your sperm or your eggs.*
- Sign up for focus groups and get paid for your opinion.
- Develop your own airport shuttling business.
- Willing to dress up in some really odd outfits? If you live in a big city, check out Alt Terrain for some interesting side gigs.
- Make some cash playing Second Life.
- Got basic graphic design skills? Design logos, programs, brochures and business cards here.
- Build PowerPoints for folks who don’t know how. Seriously, it’s a thing. Put up some of your old school projects on eLance.
- Evaluate websites.
- Solve people’s computer problems.
- Do some freelance coding.
- Build the app for that.
Build websites for other people.
- Rent out your car to other people.
- Sell books for money.
- Sell whatever you’ve got lying around on eBay.
- Use your home to host an exchange student.
- If it’s scrap metal, recycle it.
- Loan that stuff out with Loanables.
- Start your own car washing business.
- Join the military.
- Clean vending machines.
- Be a bouncer.
- Work in the food service industry.
- Got any carpentry skills? Build sets for local theatrical productions.
- Become a dog walker.
- Clean other people’s houses.
- Babysitting
Plan other people’s trips.
- 84.) Organize unorganized people’s homes.
- 85.) Host estate sales.
- 86.) Become a virtual assistant.
- 87.) Run an on-line store.
- 88.) Develop a tour of your home city and list it on Vayable.
- Set up an etsy store and start selling that stuff!
- Good with artwork? Sell a design at Threadless.
- Got some clever slogans? Pretty them up and sell them on Zazzle.
- Build and shop for props for local theatrical production.
- Take great photos? Check out this list of places you can submit stock photos.
- Or team up with mom365 and photograph newborns in local hospitals.
- Can you sew? Freelance as a seamstress by the hour.
- Crafty and into pop culture? Capitalize on it. Check out this etsy shop. It’s super easy to make some of those items – the names alone are why she’s probably making a killing. I know. I have Pumpkin Pasties in my purse.
- Build puppets.
- Become a mascot.
- Got pretty feet? Work as a foot model.
- Volunteer for medical experiments.
- Be a movie extra.
- Charge people to watch you eat online.
- Get into the sex industry as a phone sex operator.*
- Make money by going to the gym with GymPact.
- Count worms for your local bait supplier.
- Be your own human billboard service.
- Become a gun permit instructor.
- Start your own bird removal business.
- Help people gamble.
- Or do it yourself.*
- Join rent-a-friend and start making some cash by being friendly.
- Farm some chickens.
- Make and market your own board game, like the Cards Against Humanity folks.
- Become a professional cuddler.
* = You may want to think twice before going with these methods.
Wow, this is an AMAZING list!
Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life recently posted…Is Playing the Lottery Insane?
Thanks for the love, my friend! All sexy hustles indeed, it’s all about taking action!
Yes, it’s all about action. I’m finally getting a blog/freelance writing up and rolling after more than a year of talking about it. Crazy.
This list is impressive!! As a funny side note, a friend and I thought about donating eggs for two of our gay friends a few years back, but we were told at 30 our eggs were “too old.” Pretty sad that we couldn’t even give our eggs away at that point.
Shannon @ Financially Blonde recently posted…Music Mondays – Bad Reputation
Dang, I guess that’s pretty much one I can rule out then too. I actually always kept it in the back of my mind as a maybe. But I don’t think I could handle the needles.
Great list! #1 had me sold, this is something I really want to look into!
28.) Start your own vending machine business. — This link is dead. But it reminded me that someone (probably on a blog) bought an arcade machine then rented it to local bars for several months at a time. It wasn’t a ton of profit but after the purchase was easy enough.
Leslie Beslie recently posted…How Having Goals Can Hurt You
Thanks! I’ll try to find it and update it.
Great list! Good luck on funding the couch!
Brian recently posted…Week End Round Up # 21
LOVE this! And thanks for including my post about professional organizing. As an added bonus, you could start a side hustle from that side hustle — when people clean out their books, offer to haul it away for them, then sell them on ebay, amazon, or resell to a used book seller.
Rebecca @ Stapler Confessions recently posted…Staples February 23: Best TurboTax Price Yet, Free Tote Bag, and 20% off Office Supplies
I can’t wait to give a few of these a try. The only way i’ve had luck making additional income so far has been doing hair (coloring) and garage sales/craigslist.
Heather @ 20 Something Syndrome recently posted…Busy Weekends and Goal Updates
I totally overlooked working as a hair stylist! My best friend’s mom used to do that in their basement when we were kids.
Mel @ brokeGIRLrich recently posted…114 Side Hustles: Ways to Make More Money
A fantastic list! Thank you so much for the mention! I’m glad you found the post helpful. :)))
I cannot believe you thought of so many things! I do LOVE my little Paparazzi business. Who would have thought that I could make so much extra money as a teenager selling jewelry and accessories that only cost 5 bucks?!?!
Eva recently posted…Previously Seen on TeensGotCents…
It was definitely several hours of research going into this, but I’m pretty pleased with the end result.
I like that you put all these ideas from around the web together in this post. So much easier for all of us looking for side hustles. Nice job! I’ll have to bookmark it!
Raquel@Practical Cents recently posted…Page Plus Cellular: How I’m Paying $30 a month for Verizon Coverage
Phenomenal ideas! Thanks for including SideHustleHQ — Can’t wait to hear more about the side hustle you’ll be starting !!
Wow! What an awesome list! Thanks for putting this together. So many great ideas and ways to make money. I have some experience with FieldAgent and it seems like a great way to earn a bit of extra cash.
Ok I just stumbled onto your blog. I cannot believe you thought of all these side hustles. I am really impressed.
Petrish @ Debt Free Martini recently posted…Look What Budget Did For Me?
Excellent list, Mel! Thanks for some new and fun ideas for side hustle money – we need it!
Laurie @thefrugalfarmer recently posted…What My Daughter’s Self-Defense Class Taught Me About Debt
I love number 33! Peer to peer lending is such a fantastic idea, but just hasn’t seemed to have cracked the Australian market yet, though it seems to be massive in the US.
A great list to help your readers on how to become a millionaire!
Mr Ikonz @ Project Ikonz recently posted…Saving money buying no-name brands – $209 Thermoblend
So many options! Filing this away to look over when I have more time!
Paula Kiger recently posted…Move Nourish Believe Challenge (Week Three Wrap-Up)
Rent a friend is a real thing? So funny! These are great ideas.
Jenna @ A Savory Feast recently posted…5 Friday Favorites: Pinterest DIY Projects
This is really such a thorough list! I can tell you put research into this, and it’s true, if you’re willing to put in the time and effort and use your skills, there’s plenty of ways to think outside the box to make a living!
Rachel G recently posted…15 Must-Have Wedding Photos
Super dooper list!! I hope to have an update on how to share skills soon, too! 😉
Thanks Mel!
Debby recently posted…Day 137 – February’s Financial Goals Recap!
Cool! I can’t wait to read it.
Great list. It is amazing how many side hustles are out there if you are willing to look and do some work. It’s just a matter of picking something and starting! But so many people put it off.
Kylie Ofiu recently posted…12 tips to help with self harm/depression or mental health – Self Harm Awareness Day
Holy, moly, what a list! I’ve thought about pursuing a couple of these. Should really get on it. I’ve done a couple more of them. My sibling has been an extra in a couple of movies, but made no $ off of it. But we’re talking literally a stadium full of extras in one case….think Pittsburghers might have been too excited to be in a movie to ask for cash? Or maybe they just don’t pay crowds?
femmefrugality recently posted…Financially Savvy Saturdays: Twenty Seventh Edition
Visiting from the Sits Girl Sharefest but I must say what an impressive list of great ways to make money. Some seem so obvious but I would have never thought of them. I am currently unable to work outside the home right now and it is causing a lot of stress on our family. I’ve bookmarked this post and will be trying out some of your suggestions. 🙂
Deb Devita recently posted…The 5 Books You Simply Must Read Before You Die.
Awesome! Thanks for stopping by and good luck with whichever you choose!
Wow! I have been trying to think of some little things to make extra money. This is an amazing list! Definitely have some ideas I didn’t have before. Thanks!
Becky recently posted…How I Got Soft Hands Again
#75 Join the military – definitely needs to be specified as “reserves or national guard.” Most people in the military are active duty, which is definitely NOT a “side” hustle
You’re right. I was thinking of it as the reserves, but active duty are definitely NOT side hustling.
I don’t think the reserves should be on the list as a side hustle because as a former active duty sailor and reservist I have been called back to full time active duty, so what you may think of as a side hustle may cause you to have to leave your family, your home and your job, and if you are in the lower ranks you may end up bankrupt because you have to leave a higher paying full time job when Uncle Sam comes calling. This should only be done if you really love the military or need to meet active duty contract obligations.
So many ideas! I’ll be sure to share this post with my audience.
I giggled at ‘be a foot model’ 🙂 it’s definitely an option (well, not for me per se). Same for hand models, I saw an article once about one who regularly put top-notch hand creme on their precious hands and took almost obsessive care of them. Scary stuff 🙂
Heidi @ Thriftytricks recently posted…Infographic: Is It Time To Move Out?
I would never be a foot model either – I always say I have Frankenfeet. But hey, if someone else has pretty tootsies, why not make some cash with them? Glad you like the list!
LOL, I love #9.
Finance and Career recently posted…Fundamental Analysis of Stocks: What is It and How is It Done?
I can neither confirm or deny that is actually works, since someday I’d like to be a professor…. but maybe there was a younger version of me that didn’t want to be a professor and just needed some cash. Perhaps that version could confirm it actually works.
Wow this list is serious. A lot of these I’ve never heard of. There are those that I’ve heard of people doing. I thought about becoming a dog walker once! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this with us at Countdown in Style. Don’t forget to stop by Friday to see if you are featured!
Brittnei recently posted…Natural Remedies to Help Cure a Urinary Tract Infection
Dog walkers can actually make some ridiculous money in NYC. I’m always surprised when I hear about it… makes me wish I actually liked dogs.
Hello from Fabulously Frugal Thursday! I love this huge list, it must have taken forever to put this together.
Love it! I am going to be looking into quite a few of these because they are things I’ve never thought of – and I needed to. Thanks for sharing with Countdown in Style.
April recently posted…#AskAwayFriday with Rabia {The Lieber Family}
Mel, what a funny & great list! I’m so glad you asterisked some of them though as not the greatest of options. 😉 Thanks for linking my site… Jamberry has been amazing for me & definitely a great “side hustle” for this stay-at-home-mom. I can’t believe you came up with 114 of these!! lol
Other people did all the hard work of actually coming up with them – I just compiled them into a list!
I make extra money doing surveys online. There are some legit sites out there. Ive been doing it for years and make around $200 a month or so. It’s worth the time check it out,
Awesome! Which sites do you use?
Thank you verry much for this post.
I would recommand the one of the best websites that you forgot to post here it is pay per download network.
You can register here:
Not bad. Thanks!
I help women and men start a side Mobile Body Wrap Business they can may daily, weekly and monthly income!
That’s a great list you have here. There really are many ways in which we can earn online, and sometimes we already got the solutions already. All it needs is just a little push and a little internet innovation.
Thanks, and I hope this post reaches many.
I’m definitely going to try some of these things out! I will say, as far as Avon goes, I know alot of people have luck with selling it. I myself have not, simply because to make any money from it, you have to have orders of a certain amount before you make money. I discovered that selling Thirty One makes me alot more money than Avon!
This is an amazing list! I personally love the survey sites. I have been a member of one in particular for over 2 years and they pay real cash, not points or gift cards. You can earn in different ways too, like searching the web, downloading apps, doing tasks and listening to music, along with doing surveys. I love that they have a phone app so you can earn even when you aren’t at home. Check it out and it’s free You basically get paid to go on dates with people!
Pingback: Nothing Wrong with a Side Hustle
Wow so many ideas here thank you for sharing! They are so fresh and out of the box. So many blog posts just repeat themselves on this topic…. it’s weird to think that even in desperate situations, some people will be so lazy nowadays that they won’t even read these let alone try any that require leaving the home.
Deanna recently posted…By: Deanna Baldwin
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This is an interesting list Mel. I’ve been running my own side hustle for 5 years now (website marketing service). It’s been a very rewarding ride with both up’s and down’s. Learning how to build and run a business is an awesome experience…and doing it on the side is even better because you don’t have the same pressures as if it were your sole source of income!
Ryan Cote recently posted…What I Learned From The One Thing
Agreed, I love this site because it’s sort of like a foundation to make more money if I ever need it, but without a lot of the stress that would come if I HAD to succeed at it.
SO MANY AMAZING IDEAS! You bet I’ll be trying at least a few of these out…
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This has to be hands-down one of the most innovative lists I’ve seen in a long time! Some of these ideas had me laughing. The reality of the situation is that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of ways to make money – online and offline. You’ve just go to decide one way and take action immediately. Nice blog by the way. Some of these ideas I can use on my own blog.
Corrisa recently posted…Selling Products Online From Home – the Easier Way
I got paid from Earn Honey ( last week. Its also genuine.
This is such a great list of side hustles! Another great way to make fun and flexible extra income is by being a Brand Ambassador. Brand Ambassadors make $18-$50/hr on the side for attending awesome events and handing out free stuff.
Mel: I wrote up a detailed how-to post on how to make money as a Brand Ambassador which I’d love to share here if that’s okay?
Kenny Azama
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Here is another idea to earn some extra cash!
This is the guide for Lyft as well
If you are an attractive woman over 18 years old who would like to take advantage of your looks, then we have a great opportunity for you to work from your home as a cam model earning $3 per minute with a minimum salary of $100-200 per day. If you are interested, you can read more and send us an application here:
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Impressive list, I did one of these for my blog and thought I was doing well at 25, great post 🙂
Pingback: Side Hustle | Pearltrees
These are just fantastic ways to make money online. The best way to earn money is to run a blog professionally. It gives passive income. 🙂
Aman Bansal recently posted…How to Make Money from Google Adsense
I definitely don’t consider my blog passive income, but it is the most fun way I’ve found to make money.
Pingback: Side Hustle | Pearltrees
Pingback: PASSIVE INCOME INFO | Pearltrees
Great read, always looking for extra ways to make a buck. I just wanted to share something I’ve been doing recently. I run an office and have noticed that unused toner was piling up in storage. Looked into returning but that was no good. Tried out the site and was impressed. They had quick service and that payout was nice.
It’s always great to make a little more money. I like that some of these just take a little bit of effort. My side hustle this month has been to sell some of our stuff on craigslist and facebook groups. I’m almost out of stuff though!
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