Side Hustling: Building an RPG for Amazon KDP

Side Hustling: Building an RPG for Amazon KDP

So I’ve written a few times over the last year and a half about a side hustle I’ve been working on with two friends from college. We have written and published a spicy RPG game for couples very similar to fantasy RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons. The Tavern of Conquests. The three of us were…

Misadventures in Side Hustling

Misadventures in Side Hustling

With my university contract coming to a close at the end of June, I’ve had an eye out for any side hustles that can prop up my income until the theaters start to reopen. I recently received an email through the full school distribution email about a $400 a week part time gig through LDS…

Coronavirus and Freelancing in the Arts

Coronavirus and Freelancing in the Arts

A few days ago, I came across this tweet and thought, “we are all pretty screwed if the freelancers who never mention money are now worrying about money”: Of course, I think about money all the time, so no surprise there. The number of events starting to get cancelled or moved to an undetermined date…

Is EasyShift a Good Way to Make Extra Money?

Is EasyShift a Good Way to Make Extra Money?

EasyShift is one of those apps that let you take pictures or check prices in a store for a few dollars. I was pretty intrigued because the payouts seem to be higher than a lot of other microtask apps ($10-20 range). I recently started training for a part time job in the mornings that leaves…

3 High Risk Side Hustles & 3 Lower Risk Alternatives

In the constant search for how to bring in more income, you’re likely to come across an awful lot of options floating out there on the Internet. I know there are several I come across regularly that seem to promise the potential for some pretty high payouts, but I wonder about the risk levels involved.…

3 Ways to Side Hustle to Greater Financial Freedom

Have you been daydreaming of ways to get you out of the daily grind? Are you brainstorming how to bring in other streams of revenue to give you more freedom? If so, you may have the necessary drive to join one of the fastest growing job sectors in the United States: freelancing. Per a 2014…

What To Do When a Job Falls Through

I’ve been working in theater for 12 years and this month is the first time I’ve ever had a job fall through at the last minute. There’s been the occasional job way off in the horizon that didn’t work out for some reason or another, but there was plenty of time to recoup and find…

Is Home Trading the Future of Side Hustles?

The Internet has opened up a wealth of opportunities for those with drive and vision. Naturally, some of these will represent short-lived trends while others are a viable means to enjoy sustainable wealth over time. One such area which has enjoyed a great deal of attention concerns the rise of the Forex markets in terms…

Ways to Make a Little Extra Money Online

Here at brokeGIRLrich, we’re all about new ways to bring in some more dough. From the more outlandish (like online gambling) to the ones I’ve personally had a lot of success with (blogging), there are more ways to make a little extra money than most people are aware of. While none are a 100% guarantee…

My 3 Favorite Hacks to Kickstarting a Freelance Career

Hi guys! Today I’m excited to share another post from my pal Jesse, the part time stage hypnotist and full time hustler. He’s been fine tuning his side hustling and has some great tips to help you maximize your time by being picky about who you work with.               Hello readers. I’m Jesse Gernigin. You might…

House Sitting: A Great Side Hustle for Students

A few weeks ago, I was visiting one of the most financially savvy friends I have up in Vermont and during our conversations, she told me about easily a half dozen side hustles she did growing up long before learning the word side hustle. But my favorite story was this one – she used to…

Side Hustling: A Look at the Last Two Years

Side Hustling: A Look at the Last Two Years

So at the end of this month, I’m celebrating two years of blogging. That might not seem like a lot, but that’s a little more than 300 posts written just for brokeGIRLrich, not to mention all the other opportunities that have opened up to me since I started blogging. Aside from being my own personal…

Side Hustle Steriods

I’m really excited to share this guest post from my pal Jesse over at LiveGoldRich with you today. I think we all know I love a good side hustle and this man nailed his as a stage hypnotist (how cool is that, right?). Even better, the man is an awesome salesperson (which I am not)…

Pin Money Projects

Pin Money Projects

When I really little, I would collect the fallen crab apples in my grandparent’s backyard and throw them in a bucket. Then I would get a penny an apple. My grandma called this pin money. I think it was child slave labor, but ya know, tomato, to-mah-toe. The idea of pin money stayed with me…

How to Make Money From Your Unwanted Clutter on Craigslist

Today I am delighted to share a guest post with you from  Anum Yoon, a personal finance blogger and freelance writer who strangely enough, found her passion for money management through her extensive travels around the world. Since deciding to settle in the US, she has been faced with the task of becoming a responsible…

Side Hustles You Can Do On the Road

Yesterday I was out eating dinner with one of my cast members and I told her about my mini money challenge and how I wasn’t exactly nailing it – trying to live entirely off your per diem is something that a lot of folks do, so I learned she was trying to do the same…

Sing for Your Supper: Busking in NYC

Sing For Your Supper: Busking in NYC

Today I’m really excited to share an interview I did with one of the members of my cast, Cat Greenfield – busker, model and puppeteer extraordinaire (cough, cough, hire her, cough, cough). We were hanging out the other day and she mentioned that she busks in NYC and immediately my personal finance wheels started spinning…

How to Be a Non-Starving Artist

Please welcome back Shaunta Grimes of Going Reno with another great guest post about how she side hustles as a writer. If you missed it, be sure to check out her other guest post on how she turned grocery shopping into a legit side hustle as well.  Last time I wrote a guest post for…

Accountability: October 2014

Profile I am thirty years old and I still work as an assistant production manager. I’m debt free, live in one of the most expensive cities in America, and my yearly salary is $53,560. Saving & Spending Who maxed out her IRA this month? That’s right, this girl. Take that Money Manifesto for IRA 2014…

Yay America! Blowin' Stuff Up!

Accountability: July 2014

Profile I am thirty years old and this is the first accountability update of my thirties. I am so going to nail this decade. It’s the year of Mel. I work as an assistant production manager and to start out the year of Mel, my yearly salary increased to $53,560. Not a huge jump, but I’m…

Net Worth: May 2014

Accountability: May 2014

Profile I am twenty-nine years old. I work as an assistant production manager and my yearly salary is $52,000. Saving & Spending Ugh. This is a month I don’t really ever want to repeat. Financially, it’s actually been a good one. It was a 5 payday instead of 4 payday month and I wound up…