What Attracts You To A Job?

When you are looking at potential jobs that you might try out, there are a lot of things to think about. One of the most relevant is figuring out what you actually want in a job, what you are going to be able to get out of it. The better you understand what it is that actually attracts you personally to a job, the better a chance you have of finding fulfilling and meaningful work that you are going to enjoy, and which you will happily stick with for a long time to come.

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So in this post, we are going to go through some examples of the kinds of qualities that might well attract you to a job. Some of these might be relevant to you and some might be less relevant, but they are all important and worth thinking about. You will probably find that at least a couple of these are the kinds of things you personally want in a job.


One of the first things that most people will say they want from a job is for it to be rewarding. That can actually mean different things to different people, but mostly it’s a matter of having some kind of work that seems important and seems to actually mean something. If you can get to the end of a day of work and feel that you have done something that really matters, that’s a great feeling, and not one that everyone can say they have all the time.

Of course, your idea of rewarding is not the same as the next person’s. You might want to keep this in mind, however, if you are keen to make sure that you find a job that suits you and which you can really, truly enjoy.


Again, perhaps this is not important to everyone, but many people do want a job that is mobile or portable in some sense. If you are able to take it anywhere, that means that you can travel with it, and there is certainly something to be said about having a career that you can travel with. It’s the kind of thing that you will definitely want to think about, and which you are going to find can lead to a great quality of life.

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What kinds of jobs can you take anywhere with you? Well, perhaps more of them than you might assume. You could be a writer, photographer, teacher, blogger, someone’s PA, or you could be in the medical world: there are so many traveling nurse jobs out there right now just waiting to be grabbed. So it’s really up to you, but this is definitely something that will attract a lot of people to a particular role.


Of course, it would be foolish to pretend that money does not come into the process at all. For most people, the pay is going to be important, and you will certainly want to know that the remuneration is going to be as handsome as you would hope for the work that you would be doing. At the very least, you want fair and equal pay, and you want to know that the company is committed to keeping that pay rising each year at least in line with inflation. Otherwise, they are effectively giving you a pay cut.

As long as the pay is right, you can often overlook a couple of other factors, so there’s no denying that this is an important part of the whole process.

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Pay is only one part of what you hope to receive however – there is also the matter of benefits, and this too is something that you will want to look into to help ensure that you are happy with what you’re going to get for doing the work in question. There are all sorts of benefits packages you might be offered, from healthcare and dental to a decent pension payment plan and more. Be sure to look into this deeply and to compare it to other employers wherever you can. If you can do that, then you are going to find that you’re much more likely to be happy with the job you end up with.

Those are just a few of the things that might attract you to a job, and which you will want to look out for when you are applying for work. As long as you end up with something you enjoy doing and which you are happy with, that’s what matters.

4 thoughts on “What Attracts You To A Job?

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