How I Started Planning for Retirement

How I Started Planning for Retirement

One thing I’ve noticed when talking with college students about personal finance is how totally overwhelmed they are on exactly where to start. It’s easy to get a few years down the path of financial literacy and forget how impossible making any progress can seem. So let’s review a little. Step 1 for planning for…

My Experience With Millennial Burnout in the Arts

My Experience With Millennial Burnout in the Arts

Burnout is a funny thing. I think it’s very cool we talk about it these days. I think it’s weirdly alarming how common it is. Like – my grandparents have been dead a while now, but I can’t imagine any of them having much to say about burnout. You just do what you have to…

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Stage Manager?

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Stage Manager?

So you think you might want to be a stage manager? Let me warn you now, almost everyone who works in the arts thinks they can be a stage manager and the vast majority can’t. Just because you are an organized human being doesn’t mean you have the skillset to be an excellent stage manager.…

Inside the Artists Wallet S01E01

Inside the Artists Wallet: Art and Entrepreneurship

Wondering what Patrick did after college? Check out our latest installment: Inside the Artists Wallet Season 1 Episode 2: Art and Entrepreneurship Please welcome back actor, producer, and founder of theatre company “start-up” XYXee, Patrick Judd.  After speaking with Patrick about life post-theatre major and getting started in an arts career, we got to learn more…

How to Save Money on Black Pants

How to Save Money on Black Pants

So – I can’t exactly write a post on how to save on the best pair of black pants since this is a pretty endless debate in the theater world. Especially among the ladies of the theater world. See this extensive thread at the SMNetwork or this post at Headset Chatter. Personally, I’ve been on…

#NYCWin: Free Opera

#NYCWin: Free Opera

Ok, so some of you out there might not consider free opera a win. Personally, I had no stance on opera at all, which is a little weird given my whole career path. I do remember a sort of masochistic 20 year old Mel hearing that opera was the hardest thing to stage manage and…

How Much Do Stage Managers Make? Part II

How Much Do Stage Managers Make? Part II

A few months ago I tossed out the idea “how much do stage managers make?” Because as one, I’m generally pretty curious. There’s a wide variety of pay scales among us (and the job itself varies widely), but I’ve always been a little puzzled about why we keep what we make such a secret. If…

10 Best FREE Apps for Stage Managers

10 Best FREE Apps for Stage Managers

Stage Managers are people with the answers to all the questions. How do we get that way? With a heck of a small army of tools and tricks. If you’ve already checked out how to stock your kit on a budget, here’s a list of several apps to beef up your smartphone for free* too.…

A Diatribe Against the Starving Artist

There are very few things I get really excited about, but good theater is one of them. Actually, it’s why I picked my entire career path. I was entranced by the magic of theater, the audience’s suspension of disbelief and the feeling that you can make anything happen onstage. I think a lot of people…

That Was Easy! Saving $$$ at Stapler Confessions

That Was Easy! Saving Money with Stapler Confessions

I think pretty much everyone who works in theater knows that stage managers could single handedly fund Staples. Turns out there’s actually a fantastic blog run by Rebecca called Stapler Confessions that focuses on personal finance AND getting the best deals at Staples. She is seriously into this store, and if there’s one person out there…

How to Stock a Stage Management Kit on a Budget

How to Stock a Stage Management Kit on a Budget

Every job has its tools and one of the biggest money suckers for a stage manager is their kit. What’s a stage manager kit? Well, it harkens back to the idea that a stage manager is the person who is “absolutely responsible for absolutely everything” for a production… which is an over or under simplification…