Investing for the Long-Term

There’s a book called The Top 10 Distinctions between Millionaires and the Middle Class. In which, the author talks about how rich people plan-year-to year and the very reach plan decade-to-decade. Of course we want to  become very rich. So it’s time to plan for the long-term. Now there is a major difference between investing…

Ready to Open an IRA? Here’s How to Do It!

Now that you’ve gotten a ballpark number you need for retirement, I bet you’re ready to do some saving! So you’re finally ready to take the plunge and open an IRA but have no idea where to get started? To start with, let’s consider a few things. Do you have a lump sum to open…

Net Worth: September 2014

Accountability: September 2014

Profile I am thirty years old and where the heck did September go? I work as an assistant production manager and, my yearly salary is $53,560. Saving & Spending I managed to put a few hundred dollars more in my IRA, but not as much as I had hoped. On the plus side, I’m only…

IRA 101

So you’re ready to open an IRA! Good for you. I remember being hounded by an ex-boyfriend who couldn’t believe I didn’t already have one until I caved in pretty much just to shut him up. However, it’s turned into a heck of lasting legacy for that relationship. You probably already know that there are…

3 Alternatives to 529 Savings Plans

3 Alternatives to 529 Savings Plans

Maybe you’ve found 529 Savings Plans aren’t for you. Maybe you’re uncomfortable about earmarking all that money as “college only,” because maybe your kid is not college bound (and really, that’s not the end of the world – check out this great article on trade schools). Maybe you live in a state with no income…