That New York Hustle

I was recently reviewing my financial growth over the last few years and thinking about my hustling situations when I noticed something kind of interesting. Seems like there’s no hustle like a New York City hustle. I’ve done a better job saving and growing my net worth since I left, but the number of cash…

10 Inspirational Pictures

Guys. Sometimes you just need a little inspiration to keep on keeping on, amiright? Here are 10 memes/quotes/pictures (and the best motivational speech that I’ve ever heard) that help keep me going: And for your viewing pleasure:

Things I Might Do With My IRA

Sometimes when I’m feeling a little unmotivated, I like to daydream about what I’ll use my retirement fund for. To be honest, when I first opened my Roth IRA, I used to mutter “Old Mel will be happy you’re doing this” as I transferred over large chunks of my paychecks. It was the only financial…

Banish Clutter

There’s a lot of power in the little things in life. Not long ago, I wrote about how lists were helping me get on track and take back my summer. The next little motivation tip I picked up this week is another thing that I know, but when my motivation is totally lacking, I lose…

The Power of the List

After hitting rock bottom motivation wise this week, you guys have provided me with some great advice – the key piece being “make a list.” Funny thing is – I had a list for the summer. On my phone that crashed a few weeks ago. When it was replaced, all the info on it was…

Staying Motivated

This title is misleading, because I can’t claim to be an expert in staying motivated. Actually, can you be a reverse expert? I’m sort of an expert at procrastination and being totally unmotivated. Am I the only one who does life so much better when they’re busy most of the time? The last few months…

Get Life Right by David. A Dunn

Do You Know How to Get Life Right?

  **Please note, I was provided a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. Fortunately, giving it a good review was no problem.** As someone who is often battling the feeling of being stuck in neutral and the Blerch, I found Get Life Right by David A. Dunn to be a pretty delightful…

Beating the Blerch

Confession: I don’t know what it is lately, but I just feel super unmotivated to deal with anything. I’m procrastinating like 800 different things – from scheduling a dentist appointment and sorting out my car insurance for next year to looking for a cheaper internet provider to writing blog posts ahead of time to even…