Things to Consider Getting Started as a Freelancer

Starting as a freelancer can be exciting and liberating. You get to choose your own projects, set your own hours, and work from wherever you want. This flexibility can lead to a better work-life balance, allowing you to spend more time with family and friends, or pursue hobbies and interests. Freelancing can also offer the…

Mel Tries to Buy a House: Part II

Friends, as many of you know, I have been trying to buy a house for a while now. The hunt really started in November, which I very naively just started looking for houses online through Zillow. I finally found a few I was interested in, gave Zillow my info and then received 18000 phone calls…

Coronavirus and Freelancing in the Arts

Coronavirus and Freelancing in the Arts

A few days ago, I came across this tweet and thought, “we are all pretty screwed if the freelancers who never mention money are now worrying about money”: Of course, I think about money all the time, so no surprise there. The number of events starting to get cancelled or moved to an undetermined date…

Best Tools to Minimize Freelancing Headaches with Xero

This post contains affiliate links. When I first started brokeGIRLrich three and a half years ago, it took me about 4 months to make any money. And man oh man, was I excited about that 0.01 commission from Google AdSense – not that it paid out that month since the minimum was $100 to receive…

Working for Free

Working for Free

Under what circumstances would you work for free? So far, for me, it’s been strictly under volunteer circumstances. For years, I used to help my church with their Vacation Bible School skits and dramas, and that was the one time a year I would do any kind of theater work for free. Despite this the…

Going Into Budget Lockdown

Going Into Budget Lockdown

It’s a really weird feeling preparing to go into a budget lock down. I mean, I know that next week is my last paycheck, but since I’m still working right now, it doesn’t feel like it. This month though I’ve been trying to ask myself responsible budgeting questions, like: Should I still contribute as much…

Freelancers: Do You Have a Hard Minimum?

Freelancers: Do You Have a Hard Minimum?

A few weeks into this tour, I was out to dinner with the other two crew and somehow wages came up. While none of us actually stated what our wages are (although, as tour manager, one of them already knew what all of our wages were), we primarily discussed how low we’re willing to go…

How to Save for Retirement as a Freelancer

Hopefully by now you know that an IRA is an Individual Retirement Account and a 401(k) is also a retirement account – both have unique tax benefits compared to other forms of investing. However, if you are a freelancer, like so many people in (and out of) the arts are, you may not have access…

Accountability: October 2014

Profile I am thirty years old and I still work as an assistant production manager. I’m debt free, live in one of the most expensive cities in America, and my yearly salary is $53,560. Saving & Spending Who maxed out her IRA this month? That’s right, this girl. Take that Money Manifesto for IRA 2014…

When Side Hustles Attack

Side hustling is terrific. It’s a way to pick up some extra dough to make lean times a little less difficult, to bulk up your savings, to pay down your debt or even to dip your toes into the self-employed world while still holding onto all the perks of your day job. I’m a big…