How Can Debt Consolidation Help You?

How Can Debt Consolidation Help You?

**This post contains affiliate links.** Let’s talk about debt consolidation. My first thought when I hear that phrase is a smarmy infomercial on late night TV and guy in a bad toupee trying to sell me something that looks sketchy as all get out. In reality, it can be an amazing tool to help you…

Qoins: For Tackling Your Debt

Qoins: For Tackling Your Debt

**This post contains affiliate links.** I stepped up my side hustling game 100% when I was paying off my student loans. I’ve actually had a substantial chunk of debt twice. When I was finishing up my first set of Master’s degrees, the 2008 recession hit and it really hit my family pretty hard. I was…

My Secret Tricks to Breaking $100,000 Net Worth by 34

Folks, I have tried a lot of different tactics to get my financial life in order, some with little difficulty but big payouts (like setting up a budget at the beginning or continually tracking my net worth), others with questionable payouts (no spend months, buying meat in dollar stores, mystery shopping). At the end of the…

3 Challenges You Have to Face When Handling Your Finances

Do you sometimes feel you’re falling short of your own standards and expectations when it comes to managing your finances? Everyone — at sometime in their lives has felt that way. But if you have a healthy account balance or if you understand your overdraft properly, it’s possible to not only cope with these challenges,…

One Bad Week

Just the other day I was talking about how amazing it is to be on top of your finances, but the path to that success is definitely a bumpy one at times. I remember a really bad week a few years ago. I was still paying off my student loans, so a lot of my…

Debt and Personal Bankruptcy for Women

When it comes to debt, it seems that men and women typically are on equal footing. It is estimated that almost the same amount of women and men are filing for insolvency. The reasons, however, appear to be quite different. Men’s insolvency issues seem to be directly related to unemployment and business failures. Women, on…

5 Things Every Senior Should Know About Retirement

Though the current average retirement age is 62, retirement culture is swiftly changing. Today’s college graduates may not be able to retire until 75. If you’re a decade or more away from retirement, that could mean your retirement is pushed back closer to your early seventies. The good news here is that this gives you…

My Money Story

My Money Story

Recently, I read another blogger’s money story – and I always find them pretty fascinating! I mean, it’s a big part of why we blog about what we blog about and our own outlooks on money and life. Several years ago, I wrote my debt story. I was finishing up paying off $30,00 in student…

What Is Refinancing? And Why Should You Care?

What Is Refinancing? And Why Should You Care?

Refinancing is a term that has always made me leery. I’m not sure why, but to me it has a snake oil peddler/smarmy car salesman sound to it. Maybe it’s the ridiculous booming voice on so many of the commercials I’ve heard. But one thing I’ve learned as a personal finance blogger – a lot…

How to Make Some Provisions for Retirement

It’s never too early to think about retirement. It will come one day and those who even save a small amount while they are in their 20s are likely to have a much more comfortable and satisfying time than those that spend all their income as they go along. The Social Security System was never…

Is There Such a Thing As Underspending?

So I really like reading Mr. Money Mustache’s blog even though sometimes I think he’s insane. That being said, I’ve even met him and his wife at FinCon and they seem extremely content with their super frugal lives. They maximize a lot of healthy life choices, which save them a ton of money, and don’t…

Tools for Tackling Debt

Tools for Tackling Debt

Being in debt is just the worst feeling. Even when you’re in denial and still racking up the balances on your loans and credit cards, there’s that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as the bills arrive. When you come to your senses and start tackling that debt, it can seem just too…

Rebuilding Your Burst Credit Bubble

Hey there brokeGIRLrich readers, check out this guest post from my pal Sushil from Inspiration Fund – he knows a lot more about the stress the real estate bubble caused then I do and if any of you are still trying to claw your way back out of the ruins, he’s got some empathy and…

Destroying Debt: How to Beat Taxes

Destroying debt is something that is constant. It’s not a one-and-done type of problem. If you’ve tackled paying off your debt, that is a huge milestone and you should be proud of your hard work. However, experience has shown us just how quickly we can slide back down the slippery debt slope. Good habits are…

Financial Lessons from the Kitchen Sink | brokeGIRLrich

Financial Lessons from the Kitchen Sink

There are two chores I REALLY hate doing and one of them is definitely the dishes. It feels futile. Hopeless and overwhelming. Inevitably, as soon as I finish washing them, I’m thirsty. And I want some milk. And now a glass is dirty again. Sweet baby Jesus, when will it ever end?!?!!? Not gonna lie.…

My Dear Debt Letter at Dear Debt

I don’t know if any of you are familiar with Melanie over at Dear Debt, but she writes a lot about (surprise) debt, a subject still near and dear to my heart, since it’s shaped my entire view of money. She has a great guest post series featuring people writing their own Dear Debt letters…

Debt Profiles: Mel's Story | brokeGIRLrich

Debt Profiles: Mel’s Story

Throughout my twenties, I had one really bad money “habit” – school. Education was held up to some crazy standard in my house as long as I could remember. If I didn’t get straight A’s, I would be grounded for the following marking period. There was no discussion of if I would go to college…

Debt Free! Now What? | brokeGIRLrich

Debt Free! Now What?

Sending in that last debt payment is an incredible feeling! I skipped away from the mailbox. I splurged with a legitimate “I earned this” feeling on my next trip to the grocery store (and buy splurged I mean I bought two items I’d be staring down for months and just kept telling myself they were…

Common Budget Bandits | brokeGIRLrich

Common Budget Bandits

To get rid of debt, you need a budget that actually puts you in the black each month, so that you can contribute that extra money to paying down your debt. Sometimes it looks completely hopeless, but if you’re ready to buckle down and get rid of that debt, here’s a list of several areas…

How to Pay Off Your Debt | brokeGIRLrich

How to Pay Off Your Debt

Struggling with debt? Here are a few methods to help get your Pete under control and on his way to the curb. 1.)   Snowballer – this is Dave Ramsey’s extremely popular method of ranking all of your debts from highest to lowest, start with the lowest one and direct all the extra cash you can find…

How Debt Happens: Student Loan Rant

Here’s the lowdown. Debt is owing more than you have. Simple as that. There are people who say some debt is good debt (like mortgages and student loans – things most people are likely to use to get ahead in life) and there are some people who say all debt is bad debt. Either way,…