How to Make Some Provisions for Retirement

It’s never too early to think about retirement. It will come one day and those who even save a small amount while they are in their 20s are likely to have a much more comfortable and satisfying time than those that spend all their income as they go along. The Social Security System was never…

Debt Profiles: Steph's Story

Debt Profiles: Steph’s Story

I was never terribly good with money.  Never terribly bad either just very apathetic about it, that is until I had none and owed pretty much every major Canadian bank. My downward spiral started when I was 20, with the delivery of my first credit card.  Knowing what I know now I would have cut…

Debt Profiles: Michelle’s Story

Today is the first day I’ve ever featured a guest post, and I’m really excited it’s Michelle! I was won over to her blog by the header alone “one girl’s journey to get out of debt, survive unemployment, and buy all the shoes.” Yeah, all the shoes!! And, er, good financial decisions too! But enough…