15 Awesome Female Bloggers

In case you live under a rock, March is women’s history month. I’ve never really thought of myself as much of a feminist, but occasionally, something’ll ring true to me and stick (like – when have you ever heard a man [or woman] tell another man to “smile?” Doesn’t happen.). Or the unending brilliance that…

Get Your Hustle On: User Testing & Peek

Here’s something today for the hustlers and the bloggers. Peek: For the Bloggers If you own your own website, you probably wonder what people think of it, how easy it is to navigate and whether or not you’re coming across the way you intend to. I recently read Ruth Soukup’s How to Blog for Profit…

10 Personal Finance Bloggers Worth Following

10 Personal Finance Bloggers Worth Following

A few months ago during FinCon, I wrote a post about my top 10 favorite blog articles – different pieces and authors that inspired me to become a blogger or, in some cases, I’m just a huge fan of (they’re not even all personal finance related). Today I want to highlight 10 bloggers that have…

Personal Finance Blog Hops & Link Ups

Personal Finance Blog Hops & Link Ups

A blog hop (or a link up – they’re synonyms) is sort of like a post party hosted on someone’s website on a certain day every week. The blog hops usually have a core group of people that attend them regularly and read and comment on the other posts. They’ll often promote them on social…