15 Awesome Female Bloggers

15 Awesome Female Bloggers

15 Awesome Female Bloggers | brokeGIRLrich

In case you live under a rock, March is women’s history month. I’ve never really thought of myself as much of a feminist, but occasionally, something’ll ring true to me and stick (like – when have you ever heard a man [or woman] tell another man to “smile?” Doesn’t happen.).

Or the unending brilliance that is the notorious RBG:

Because she's right.

Because she’s right.

To me though, the core essence of feminism is supporting one another and the most amazing space I’ve found yet where women support the heck out of one another is blogging!

Below is a list of some bad mama-jamba’s of the personal finance space. Some of them inspire me with their awesome writing, some with their friendship, some by being an awesome mentors… there’s literally no end to the amazingness in this list.

I usually start lists like these with Stefanie and it’s because reading her blog (the old Broke and Beautiful Life) is what inspired me to start blogging. We both work in the arts and are pretty passionate about the idea that getting a theater degree does not ruin your life or guarantee you’ll be broke forever. Uh, she’s also a published author.

Shannon was one of the first few bloggers I met back when we used to do a small NYC blogger meet up of about 10 of us that all started blogging pretty close to one another. Since those early days, she’s done incredible things like write her own book, start her own financial counseling service and created an amazing podcast (she even let me be on it once!).

There are times when settling down and getting married seem impossible because of my career choice, but Cat is an endless reminder to me that if I do ever decide I want those things, I’d really only be limited by how much hustle I’ve got in me. What I love most about Cat though is how upbeat and genuine she constantly is, ever conversation I’ve ever had with her has been a pleasure.

Kate is also one of the first bloggers I started reading because she worked in the arts too (music industry) and lives in Nashville (how super cool is that city?). She’s also killing it with Air BnB posts that I love reading.

Michelle and I started blogging right around the same time and I was always comforted to see someone else’s financial growing pains laid out for all the works to see too. Michelle also has a special place in my heart because I am an intense introvert when I’m not full of alcohol and she saved me from spending the evening hiding in the corner alone at my first FinCon event in New Orleans.

I owe what I do every Saturday to Femme! She’s the original creator of Financially Savvy Saturdays and when her schedule just got a little too hectic, she asked me to take over. Through #FinSavSat, I’ve gotten to read so many new bloggers, I really feel fortunate to get to be such a big part of our little linkup community thanks to Femme.

And if we’re going to talk about how much I love Financially Savvy Saturdays, I can’t leave out my co-host. Hayley is an awesome debt blogger and she lives in my second favorite country (and depending on who we elect in 2016, it might become my first favorite country). When Hayley joined #FinSavSat, it actually lightened my workload considerably – and somehow she gets all her work done while still taking care of her small daughter. She’s a rockstar.

Tonya is probably the funniest blogger I know. If you’re not watching BATB TV, you are missing out. She writes great posts about the lifestyle of a freelancer, how to make money stretch and the importance of balance and still living a happy life.

At FinCon14, I signed up for a mentor and was pretty amused to be partnered with one of my roommates, but over time it’s turned out to be something I’m really thankful for! Tahnya is a total sweetheart who has done a dynamite job of growing her own freelance writing empire and she’s always been a cheerleader in my corner, suggesting jobs I should apply for and providing me with lots of really helpful tips and hints. I’m so thankful for her friendship.

Jessica was my other roommate during that first socially stressful FinCon. She blogs about real estate investment and just trying to get ahead in life in general. She’s also recently developed Mo’ Money Podcast, a terrific financial resource (and she’s got an excellent radio voice!). She’s also had some pretty terrific guests (cough, cough, me).

Melanie was such an inspiration to me when I was paying off my student loans! She’s strong as heck and made amazing strides towards paying off her own debts on a pretty low salary. Whenever I wanted to give up, there was always a new inspirational story on her blog about someone else dealing with the same things I was.

Holly scared the crap out of me before I met her. She’s incredibly opinionated and not scared to speak her mind. Turns out, she’s super nice too. She’s also a major blogger I look up to – the way she was able to leave an unsatisfying career and take up full time blogging/freelance writing is pretty inspiring to me. Also, her previous career is kinda unusual and I always thought that was pretty neat too.

Some younger folks make me worry about the future of our planet, but Eva sure doesn’t. This teenager has got her head screwed on so straight, I feel like a total slacker about how I spent my own teens years! She runs her blog, has set up corporate sponsorships and it well on her way to kicking some serious financial butt!

I’ve found that since getting out of debt, it’s a rare debt blog that can really hold my interest (which is fine – we move through all sorts of financial stages in our lives), but I’m always interested in reading Amanda’s stories… maybe as a reminder to not run out, take out a bunch of loans and get a doctorate. She’s a really excellent writer though and I feel like I relate to a lot of the stories she tells.

Emily writes a lot of great stories about living a frugal life and why living a frugal life in the bomb. I find the stories where she relates trying to teach her daughter about finance to be endlessly interesting. I never even thought about how kids barely get to see cash money these days until she mentioned it on her blog.

What female bloggers have a big influence on you?


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