How to Save Money on Black Pants

How to Save Money on Black Pants

How to Save Money on Black Pants | brokeGIRLrich

So – I can’t exactly write a post on how to save on the best pair of black pants since this is a pretty endless debate in the theater world. Especially among the ladies of the theater world.

See this extensive thread at the SMNetwork or this post at Headset Chatter.

Personally, I’ve been on the lookout for lightweight, strong, soft cargo pants that don’t make me look like a dude for… oh… ten years. I found a pair that almost made the cut once at Old Navy (never to be seen again) and they were not strong enough, because half way through a six month contract of wearing them every other day, I split the behind during a load out.

It was awesome.

I had bought two pairs actually and the other pair, one of the straps holding shut a pocket of my leg caught on one of the chairs in the auditorium and tore. So yeah… not strong. But lightweight, soft with tons of pockets and you could tell I was a girl.

Where is this pair of magic pants? I still haven’t found them.

If they’re strong enough, they have no shape. And for some reason, they’re also really short. Thanks pants, I prefer you cover my ankles.

My closest go-to pants for the last five years or so are from Kohl’s Junior department, but they’re just regular pants. I’d like pants with extra pockets. They also fade pretty quickly.

What’s a girl (or guy – I’m sure all you male stage managers are also on the hunt for the perfect pair of black pants, although I feel like your hunt is a little easier) to do when she’s shelling out money for disappointing pants on a regular basis?

Spend smarter. 

1.)  If you’re buying online, always, always, always check eBates first. If you don’t, it’s like throwing away free money. You can use anyone’s credit card – so whether you’re buying them with your own money, company money, Mom and Dad’s money – it doesn’t matter. eBates is just a portal to the regular site. As long as you click to the site through their link, you get cash back.

2.)  Check out gift card websites for instant savings. If you found a pair you think look promising at JCPenny for $50, go to and pick up a JCPenny $50 gift card for $45 first. Instant 10% savings.

3.)  Try bartering. Are you a blogger? Contact the company and ask if they’ll provide you with a pair of pants to review. Send them your stats and tell them your readers are exactly the sort of people who are constantly looking for a great pair of black pants for work. And that they trust your recommendations.

4.)  Thrifting. Honestly, for the hardcore pants-searcher, this might not be for you. Black pants are likely to be a lifelong staple in your wardrobe and finding that single perfect pair in the thrift store bin won’t necessary translate into being able to find it in a store a year from now when the awesome thrift store pair gives up the ghost. On the flip side, it’s the best resource for broke college students to find their blacks.

Let’s hear it, stage managers and theater technicians of the world, have you found the magical, perfect black pants? Where?

18 thoughts on “How to Save Money on Black Pants

  1. I’m not a stage manager, but, I do have some excellent black pants from Kohl’s. I got them in the misses department, which is sort of in between juniors and older ladies. It’s mostly career-ish clothes, but they have good casual wear too. I find their stuff to be very durable. The pants I have are the Apt. 9 brand and I think they cost me circa $19 a few years ago. Best of luck to you in your pants crusade!
    Mrs. Frugalwoods recently posted…Frugal Hound Sniffs: Planting Our PenniesMy Profile

  2. Ok to be fair I don’t nor have I ever worked in a theater, but I did work in a football stadium requiring me to wear black pants, and with not being able to carry any sort of bag, cargo pants would be ideal. Unfortunately the fashion world seems to think women don’t need flattering black cargo pants (though I swear they were a popular thing 15 year ago). Anyway I finally found some decent ones by looking at sporting goods stores, the ones I got were from Eastern Mountain Sports. Good luck, it is most definitely a tough thing to find. PS I think someone needs to learn to make some, apparently they could make a killing selling flattering black cargo pants to women….perhaps I should look into it as a new side hustle? lol.
    Liz recently posted…September 2014 AccountabilityMy Profile

  3. Try
    Here’s the link to woman’s work pants but they have so much more including shirts that have a longer tail to cover your butt and underwear that doesn’t ride up:

    (disclaimer: I do not work for Duluth Trading. I do have a daughter who worked as a scenic builder)

    • I’ve actually tried Duluth Trading and was really unimpressed. The pants were very heavy duty, but like so heavy duty the cloth they use isn’t very comfortable. They’re definitely not flattering and I felt the pant legs were a little too short too. Definitely not one I’d recommend.

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