Right In Professionalism And Rich In Profits?

When you start a new business, you’re an unknown entity, and yet you want clients to see you as a good investment. That isn’t going to happen if you look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backward or hand over a residential address and phone number. Like a bad credit rating on a mortgage application, these are going to appear as big red flags on any business agreement. 

That’s why any business owner goes above and beyond to achieve an all-important appearance of professionalism. The trouble is that, often, we spend a fortune to achieve this goal. And, it should go without saying that spending all your profits on a designer suit for an undecided meeting is a sure way to sabotage yourself. Even if the client signs a contract or buys a product, you probably wouldn’t have any finances left to make it. And, that’s before you consider the money wasted when they turn around and say that they aren’t interested anyway. 

No; spending a fortune to look professional is no way to go about things. But, how exactly can you portray an image which leads to sales while still keeping profits in the bank?

Find ways to work around a lack of office

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Investing in an office or signing a hefty rental contract too early is sure to spell trouble. That’s because it can often be years until you’re in a position to comfortably afford a business space. But, remember that doesn’t mean you have to host clients in your home or get all your business mail sent there. There are plenty of ways around the office issue, and most of them cost a lot less than jumping into a commercial property. For one, you should take the time to look for a registered office address from which you can redirect mail. That way, you can achieve professionalism during long distance communications from little more than your petty cash. 

Note, too, that there are plenty of rental meetings rooms on the market for when clients want to meet in person. While it may be evident that the space doesn’t belong to you, hosting presentations in areas like these is sure to look better than getting investors around your kitchen table. And, once that location has taken care of your professional image, you can let your presentation take care of the cost and more besides. 

Remember that smart clothes don’t have to cost the earth

Designer suits are always appealing. The cuts are just right, and the fabric is to die for. So are the price tags, and not in a good way.  As such, you should always think twice before heading to designer stores. Leave that for the days when money is no longer an issue. For now, accept that you’re going to have to keep things more modest. You can still look smart this way given that clients are unlikely to check your clothing labels. And, yet, you can save vast amounts of money.

Consider that high street chains like H&M now offer affordable suits and office wear which could suit your needs for a fraction of the price. If you want to cut costs even more, you could always shop second hand or using sites like eBay and Depop. If you get lucky, you could well find a designer suit which you can afford after all. The point is that you don’t have to spend silly money to look the part. You just need the know-how and patience to find the right outfits down more affordable avenues. 

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Don’t forget how far free programmes can take you

It’s also worth thinking twice before you spend all your early profits on smart business programmes to improve your professional image. There’s no denying that the right software is now an essential part of simplifying processes to impress clients. But, you don’t need to worry about that just yet. 

That’s because there are now plenty of free programmes which can tide your professional image over for now. Google programmes are a fantastic option here. While you can pay for GSuite, there are free versions of Docs, Hangouts and even Calendars available. Equally, Microsoft users should find that they have access to a basic Office package which comes complete with a version of Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. All these provide you with everything you need to look professional when securing startup deals. And, with their help, you may soon find those more expensive options aren’t quite so out of reach. 

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