Revving Forward

Revving Forward

Revving Forward | brokeGIRLrich

A few months ago I wrote about how I felt stuck in neutral. As I’ve been reviewing my New Year goals, I realized I don’t feel that way at all anymore.

I think there’s always a period of transition when things in your life change. It’s nice to think that after you’ve gone full tilt paying off debt for several years, you’ll take that same drive and apply it to something else terrific.

I bet some people do. There are a lot of type A people out there who are awesome about endlessly setting and then nailing their goals.

But for your Average Joe Mel, I tend to go full tilt after a goal, get there and then go…. now what? So I started setting some lofty goals and promptly felt like I was not only getting nowhere, but not particularly motivated to do anything.

Well, honestly, I feel kind of on fire again about things and I wanted to write a little about that and what I did in the neutral interim.

During the “Stuck in Neutral” Phase:

  • I did not damage my finances. I may not have been saving like a crazy mo-fo, but I steadily socked away enough money to round out my emergency savings at $5,000 (half of my total goal) and max out my IRA. I also managed to buy about $1,000 in stock.
  • I savored experiences. When I was spending all of last year, it was on things that were worth it – it was largely about making memories with family and friends and despite several posts griping out the money I was spending, I don’t really regret any of it in 2014 – whether it was a splurge on an awesome dress that I can wear anywhere or an insanely expensive Harry Potter weekend, I’m happy with my choices.
  • I kept learning more about personal finance. I may not have read as voraciously as when I was first learning, and, not gonna lie, I should really like investment and wealth growing blogs a lot more than I generally do, but I still kept learning new tips and tricks, reading personal finance books and trying to learn from people who know more about personal finance than I do.

It’s weird, but I added a few little savings goals to my big one and they’ve sort of put me more on fire to get things done.

My big savings goal is to save for the down payment on a house. I think part of why I’m not so invested in that is that I don’t even know for sure that I want I house. I do know for sure that I want to be able to buy one when I do though.

The little savings goals that revved me up again though were saving for a new computer and cell phone. They seem so achievable, that it makes excited to start saving again and I feel fueled up to do things like mini-challenges and no spend days.

How’s your personal finance engine doing?

19 thoughts on “Revving Forward

  1. Good for you Mel. Glad to hear you’re back on track. We moving forward at a slow and steady pace. I think you always feel like there is more that you can do,but having patience is important so you don’t make mistakes along the way.
    Brian recently posted…Week End Round Up #64My Profile

  2. I feel like I’m kind of stuck in reverse at the moment! After Mrs Ikonz and I just had our first child, money seems to keep going out. Importantly I’ve had less time to get on top of the admin side of my finances.

    I’m actively trying to get back into gear this week, so my finances are moving in the right direction again.

    My first step is to update my networth at the end of this month!
    Mr Ikonz @ recently posted…How to live large in the USMy Profile

  3. I’d say my engine is doing well – I made a goal to earn more in 2015, and that’s happening right from the first month! 😀 I’ve also found a way to switch banks to save on my ATM fees when I move abroad again, and there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be on track to start my first investments by March.

    Thanks for sharing your inspiration. 🙂
    Chelsea recently posted…Is Disability Insurance a Good Way to Secure Paychecks?My Profile

  4. Hi! New reader here and love your blog 🙂

    My engine is on fire this month! Last year I was in a bit of a holding pattern and unsure of what am I doing with my life period. Now I am on a mission to save as much money as possible and tighten my finances. I am so much better when I have a plan!
    Kristin recently posted…Bad Spending Habits You Need to BreakMy Profile

  5. Congrats on finding that fire again! 🙂 I think once we do finally hit “debt freedom” we will probably struggle in neutral for a while too. By then we will have been so focused on paying off debt for 5 years… saving for retirement, while it’s great… it’s still 30+ years away, so I can see us having a difficult time get “fired” up for it. Best wishes Mel!
    Nichole @Budget Loving Military Wife recently posted…Should We Travel while in Debt?My Profile

  6. The FI journey is rarely a straight line from point A to point B but more like point A to point Z with lots of interesting side-tracks and challenges. We had the same happen to us. Sometimes because we lost track of things or just lost focus for a short period of time and other times due to unexpected and unavoidable surprises but as long as you keep heading to your planned destination it will all work out. I am glad you have the fire again.
    LeisureFreak Tommy recently posted…Signs of Pension Plan InsecurityMy Profile

  7. Making things achievable is what it’s all about. If something send unobtainable, we’re so much more likely to hit the metaphorical snooze button. I’m glad you enjoyed 2014 and am excited to see what you do not that you feel like you’re moving forward!
    Femme Frugality recently posted…7 Tax Credits for ParentsMy Profile

  8. You know, I know what you mean about the “big” savings goals — I also find it hard to see them as satisfying. Saving for a new computer is achievable in a very finite period of time, whereas a house down payment is years, and I agree with you, I don’t even know if I want to own a house! However, I figure the money in my down payment fund can always be used for something else 🙂
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