What to Pack to Visit Switzerland in the Summer

What to Pack to Visit Switzerland in the Summer

Once in a while we deviate from the directly finance related content on here to write a post I or a friend really needed on the internet but couldn’t find. Today I bring you what to pack for a week in Switzerland in August. This may sound straightforward but it turned out that packing to…

A Guide For Buying Your Dream Home

Never think that you will never be able to buy your dream home. Although some homes are mortgages that might be out of your price range, there will be plenty on the market that cannot fulfill your needs and be a dream property for you. If you are on the hunt for your dream home…

20.) I will not panic when the stock market and housing values and any of my investments fluctuate over time, because they’re going to do that. And I’m just going to ride it out.

20.) I will not panic when the stock market and housing values and any of my investments fluctuate over time, because they’re going to do that. And I’m just going to ride it out.

Welcome to point 20 on my Money Manifesto! I very confidently declared these things when I was 29 and over the last year I’ve been checking in to do an update on each point to see how the last decade has gone. This is certainly easier said than done. I will say that I do think…

9 Profitable Business Ideas To Explore As A College Student

Image Credit College is a rather interesting time for several young people. It is a time to gain some perspective as you navigate life, developing and growing. It’s a time to develop new friendships and explore more of what life offers. More importantly, your college years put you on the path of financial independence as…

Accountability: July 2023

Profile I am thirty nine years old and I’m a digital event producer and very occasional freelance stage manager. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with, though work has been very slow this year. I work a variety of small side hustles and am a full time student working on a…

How To Impress In Your Next Job Interview

Whether you’re going back to work after having kids or entering a new industry, job interviews can be incredibly nerve-wracking. After all, there’s a lot riding on you making an excellent first impression, and the competition is often tough. In fact, a recent study found that “on average, 118 people apply for a single job.”…

5 Easy Tips To Be A Responsible Car Owner

Image Credit: Pexels from Pixabay. Are you a responsible car owner? By that, do you do more than just follow the rules of the road? Taking the time to stay safe and properly look after your car is all part of this, but many people overlook quite a few parts of this. In many cases,…

10 Years of Blogging: A Retrospective

10 Years of Blogging: A Retrospective

This post feels a little insane to write. As someone who doesn’t stay in one place very long and bops between all sorts of gigs and contracts and jobs for work, the idea that I’ve stuck it out with this blog for this long is a little crazy. I began this blog in July of…

Using Outside Services Is Sometimes For The Best In Business

Money is something that people always struggle with, especially when you own a business. But, there are options to help you save money and still get what you need. Outsourcing is one of these, and that’s what we’re going to be looking at in this article. Down below, we’re going to be taking a look…

Is the London City Pass Worth It?

Is the London City Pass Worth It?

I love a good city pass when I’m sightseeing. I’ve found that if my goal is to hit the top tourist sites, this is often the most economical way to do it. I’ve used them in the pat in Montreal, New York City, Oahu, Vienna, Prague, and Dublin. But the first time I ever used…

Accountability: June 2023

Profile I am thirty eight years old and I’m a digital event producer and very occasional freelance stage manager. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with, though work has been very slow this year. I work a variety of small side hustles and am a full time student working on a…

19.) I will be careful about who I date and open with my finances with them when it gets serious – so that we can come up with good money plans for our future together.

19.) I will be careful about who I date and open with my finances with them when it gets serious – so that we can come up with good money plans for our future together.

For those just joining us here, a decade ago, I wrote a Money Manifesto and I have been going through each declaration that 29 year old me confidently declared to see how valid they’ve wound up being. Welp, this one will be a short update. This one has been pretty easy. I mean, it would…

How I Plan for Retirement

How I Plan for Retirement

Retirement is such a crazy concept. Like, how on earth are we expected to know how much money we will need that far in the future? And every estimate you’re given regarding how much money you will need seems like a blatantly insane amount of money in your 20s. What is a brokeGIRL to do?…

3 Great Ways To Maintain Your Energy As A Photographer

Pexels – CC0 License Photography may seem simple on the surface (you just point and shoot the camera, right?) but it’s actually quite an exercise. Not only do you have to walk miles when hiking or covering an event from all angles, but the art of taking good photographs is a very intellectual exercise. Sure,…

Tips for Hiring Your First Full-Time Employee

CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels Hiring your first full-time employee can be exciting but a bit scary at the same time. Mainly because it means you are responsible for another person. It’s also very technical and requires some understanding of employment rules and regulations. So here are some things to consider. How It Will…

My Questionably Frugal Mint Journey

My Questionably Frugal Mint Journey

So this past week I had one of those moments where I was feeling particularly frugal and DIY-y and found myself in possession of a lot of mint. Like, literal mint. This is not slang for something else. Or money. Sadly. I bought a mint plant a few weeks ago for like £1.50. That seemed…

Accountability: May 2023

Profile I am thirty eight years old and I’m a digital event producer and very occasional freelance stage manager – which I celebrated a bit this month at the Broadway Stage Management Symposium. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with, though work has been very slow this year. I work a…

A Story About Some Pet Fraud

A Story About Some Pet Fraud

Why is customer service so often as difficult to navigate as possible? Let me share a story about Chewy and PayPal and the ridiculously frustrating $1000+ I have been chasing for two weeks now. A few weeks ago, I woke up to a bunch of emails from my Chewy account saying I had purchased $1034…

My First Year as a Theatre/Drama PhD Student

My First Year as a Theatre/Drama PhD Student

I have spent a lot of the last year complaining about my finances as a PhD student, but not much time talking about actual life as a PhD student  – so today’s post is a review of what my first year as a theatre/drama PhD student has been like. It’s been a fairly strange journey.…

Mother's Day Gift Options from Etsy

Mother’s Day Gift Options from Etsy

This post contains affiliate links. Mother’s Day gifts are kind of hard, aren’t they? Hopefully you have a mom as awesome as mine was and it was always so difficult to find her a good gift. She was a really chill person and years ago I figured out that she would be happy with a…

Accountability: April 2023

Profile I am thirty eight years old and I’m a digital event producer and very occasional freelance stage manager. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with. I work a variety of small side hustles and am a full time student working on a PhD in Drama. Spending & Saving Work is…