Wall Street Survivor

Wallstreetsurvivor.com – my new favorite toy. It gives you $100,000 to “play” the stock market. You invest in what you want and watch it grow – or not.  So far, I am not doing great. I researched a few stocks in two markets I was curious about – one was value/discount chains (I read an…

Net Worth Follow Up

In my continuing research to become less of a financial moron, I’ve stumbled upon Investopedia. It’s popped up in a few different places on the web as a site to check out, so I finally did. Overall, I’m not super excited about their articles. I don’t feel their website is really clear and easy to…

WTF is this Stock Market Thing? (Step 1)

By every account I’ve found so far, if I want any hope of not retiring to a cardboard box under an overpass, I will need to invest in stocks (or write the next Harry Potter book). To me, this is terrifying on many levels: A. I do not want to live under an overpass. There…