2014/2015 – The Year of the Big, Fancy New Year’s Eve Party

2014/2015: The Year of the Big, Fancy New Year's Eve Party

2014/2015: The Year of the Big, Fancy New Year’s Eve Party | brokeGIRLrich

Sometime the benefits of hard work seem really far off, I mean, saving for retirement as a 30 year old literally feels like I’m throwing away my money at times… even though I know better. The same with building up an emergency fund, I mean, really? I’ve got thousands of dollars of credit available to me in a pinch.

This past week though, the past year paid off in a most unexpected way.

Since starting my blog, I’ve been doing monthly accountability updates where I track my net worth. At the end of each one, I list some goals – sometimes I meet them, sometimes I don’t, but I’ve finally developed a system that at least makes me really aware of where I’m trying to go and keeps me accountable when I miss the mark.

My big money goals for 2014 were to max out my IRA, buy a new stock (at least $1,000 of it) and get my emergency savings up to $5,000. I also moved to New York City this year and started paying flipping insane rent ($1,250 a month). I really wasn’t sure how all of this was going to go down.

There were times in the beginning of the year when it felt like I would never hit my IRA contribution limit for the year ($5,500 for those not in the know). When I finally did, I was pretty excited, but there were still more goals to hit that required more money. Even after I made that stock purchase, I still knew I’d be cutting it really close with being able to hit my emergency savings goal.

But I scrimped and saved and survived No Spend Weeks and figured out how spend more wisely using gift card sites and sites like eBates and, even more importantly, I started hustling by becoming a freelance writer and monetizing my blog.

Suffice to say – I hit my emergency savings goal this week too AND got a small boost in side hustle income. Which led to my New Year’s Eve plans.

Now, I have two groups of friends that I alternate between spending New Year’s Eve with – my group of best friends from high school and a group of friends from college, but in both cases, we just show up at someone’s house, hang out and drink. It’s always a very reasonably priced affair and I’ve often wondered about those nutcases that spend tons of money going to some fancy event for the evening.

Don’t get offended nutcases, I’m actually joining you this year. One of my best friend’s, the one who didn’t think twice about taking a two day road trip to see a ball of twine with me when we were 23, confessed that one of her bucket list items was to go to a masquerade ball, but that tickets were $160.

When she said that, I had the awesome realization that while dropping $160 on a masquerade ball (and another $20 for an awesome mask) was not something I had ever planned on doing, that it had become something I could do! Because I worked hard all year meeting my goals, I actually do have that “extra” money there to splurge on something that will (hopefully) be delightfully strange and that she’s really excited about. Not gonna lie, I’m more than a little curious to see what a fancy New Year’s Eve out is actually like too.

We could go all personal finance frugal crazy and point out that that money could be part of my first 2015 IRA contribution or that I could add to that emergency savings account or I could put it towards other savings goal, because I do have them, but I think the main motivator for me in being careful with my money and making solid plans is to be able to do what I want to do. The point of saving is freedom.

And I want to put on a silly mask and my incredibly black dress that you can wear 8,000 ways and go party it up at the open premium bar.

Have any of you ever been to a big, fancy New Year’s party?


P.S. Have any of you seen that episode of the Twilight Zone with the masquerade party? I am legit sort of terrified that may happen. You haven’t? You can watch it now:


16 thoughts on “2014/2015 – The Year of the Big, Fancy New Year’s Eve Party

  1. Congratulations on meeting your goals this year! I’m glad that you’re going to try something a little different for New Years and a masquerade ball sounds so fun. I have no plans as of now, but I do have a nice dress that my friend gave me (score!). We usually just go out to a local bar or club in the area for a few drinks and try to avoid going to the expensive city. But this year, I’d actually be willing to just go to a nice party at a friend’s house and hang out 🙂
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  2. Congrats on meeting your financial goals! It’s so much fun to have “extra” to be able to do things like your Fancy New Year’s Eve Party! When you mentioned this post a couple of days ago in a comment on my blog, I had to double check your blog to make sure I didn’t miss a post! I’m glad it turned out that I didn’t miss it! Have fun and I can’t wait to hear about it! 🙂
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  3. I’ve never seen that episode of the Twilight Zone, nor have I seen any of the older episodes. I’ve only just started watching the newer episodes (obviously not that new since the newer ones are like 10 years old) but I think they are fascinating!
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  4. I love swanky NYE parties! I’ve been to a couple, but luckily I’ve been able to go for free by winning online ticket contests on Twitter/Facebook over the years! Now I mostly keep it lo key with a friend’s house party! 🙂 Also, it’s great that you’re helping your friend do something she’s wanted to do for a while!
    K @ One More BROKE TWENTY-SOMETHING recently posted…Money Goals For 2015My Profile

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