10 Weird Ways to Make More Money

10 Weird ways to Make More Money

10 Weird ways to Make More Money | brokeGIRLrich

Sometimes you just need to make a few bucks quickly. When your back is to wall though, it can be hard to know where to start looking. Here’s a glimpse at a few unique gigs that fit around the regular 9 to 5 grind that most people have going.

1.) Become a Mascot – did you stop thinking about mascots the day you got your high school diploma? I sure did. Until I started dating a total sports nerd. Turns out, being a mascot is a real job! You may never be the Cleveland Indian, but there are lots of little odd jobs you can pick up. If there a Chik-Fil-A nearby? They probably need someone to wear the cow suit. If you’re outgoing and have a high tolerance for very hot clothing, this could be your money maker.

2.) Vayable – born, raised and intending to die in the same town? Know everything about it? Turn that knowledge into a walking tour. Vayable has a wide variety of tours developed by everyday people – from “Busking the NYC Underground” to “Bioluminescent Kayaking Adventure,” if you can think it up, people may pay you to be their guide.

3.) Develop Your Own Board Games – board games are totally making a comeback, from the underground favorites like Killer Bunnies and Citadels to the more mainstream hit Cards Against Humanity, if you’re got a way of looking at the world that’s a little off and can translate it into a card game, it could be a solid money maker. Cards Against Humanity  started out as their own homegrown website with cards cut out of cardstock, but the game was so fantastic, no one cared about it’s ghetto start.

4.) Virtual Assistant – looking for something a little more traditional? oDesk or Zirtual to hook up with someone looking for an assistant. If you can handle making some phone calls, organizing a calendar or other basic office work, being a virtual assistant could work well for you. You get to set your own hours a little more and you can work from home. Any job that you don’t have to get out of your pajama’s for is definitely a win!

5.) Team up with Alt Terrain – what is Alt Terrain? They’re a crazy PR/marketing company that stages some really outrageous stunts for large brands. Anything from a massive flash dance to event art performances to small children handing out newspapers while dressed like Newsies, this company goes all out with their campaigns and lots of times they require a really large staff. I mean, a flash mob doesn’t really just appear… so to speak. If you’re cool with can-caning while dressed like a pea, serving gin as a flapper or helping people give a new brand a unique test drive, this could be a cool way to rake in some extra cash.

6.) The Next Generation Avon Lady – Believe it or not, Avon is still alive and kicking. Probably because quite a few of their products actually are awesome. Bring some youthful pizzazz to an old brand and become the first Avon lady on your block. If earning a pink car is more your thing, give Mary Kay make-up a go. Jamberry is the same premise, only selling nail stickers and Paparazzi is a great little company that sells fun junk jewelry for $5 a pop. And for the really adventurous souls, you could sell Pure Romance, supplies for spicing up the X-rated side of life. I didn’t forget you either gentlemen, Herbalife is a great health supplement company that operates on the same legal “pyramid” set up.

7.) Task Rabbit – this is a great website for when you just need to pick up a few bucks, but it’s best for those in bigger cities. People post small tasks they need done and then you bid on them to win them. For instance, some little old lady might need a picture hung. She’s hoping someone will do it for $10. She posts it. You look and see she lives around the corner and figure, what the heck? I’ll go do it for $10. You bid. (Hopefully) you get the job. You make an easy $10. Jobs range from little household chores to picking up others groceries to assembling furniture to some really odd things – like scavenger hunts in museums or knitting a sweater.

8.) Trivia Host – love going to trivia night a local bars (come on, I can’t be the only one!)? Well someone’s got to host it, right? Why not you. Bars actually hire outside companies to use their trivia set ups and all of those companies are looking for hosts. A quick Google of “become a trivia host” will turn up more dozens of different companies looking for new trivia hosts. As long as you’re comfortable making small talk on a microphone, can read and stand upright, you could be the next great trivia host!

9.) Get Ordained – in our increasingly secular world, less and less folks want to be married by a minister with a religious affiliation. A few dollars investment and a quick online course could qualify you to legally marry people. How to really turn it into money? You have to develop a niche. Maybe you dress like a giant squid and marry people on a dock. Maybe you represent the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Dudeism. Maybe you’re an Elvis impersonator. Heck, maybe you’re a poet and are able to create an incredibly moving and personalized ceremony…. whatever you go with, as long as it’s unique, there are plenty of nut jobs in the world and some of them are going to get married – why shouldn’t they be married by you?

10.) Udemy – did you spend ungodly amounts of money educating yourself in something sort of useless like philosophy or theology? Udemy might not be the place for you then. Unless you are also a heck of a marketer and can make those things seem interesting. However, if your survival skill to get by despite having that degree has been something like coding or making great PowerPoints or interior design, you could turn that into a class and charge people to take it. Udemy has courses on everything from Sleep Hacking to Learn How to Juggle to The Zen of Data. It’s even got How to Run a Philosophy Salon… so apparently you can make philosophy seem interesting.

Looking for even more opportunities? Here are 114 side hustles you can check out! 

Anyone have any other strange ideas to rake in some quick cash? 



27 thoughts on “10 Weird Ways to Make More Money

    • It’s true. I actually need to learn Vectorworks for work and started by checking there to see if there was a popular course on it. $50-$100 is way better than paying for a community college course.

  1. Philosophy is interesting! Lol. And last night we went on a date night to our first trivia night…and won! I’ve done a couple of these before. I worked at Red Robin and once had to dress as the robin. It sucked. It is soooo hot in those things. I also sold Arbonne for a while. I totally want to go on that bioluminescent tour!
    femmefrugality recently posted…The Summer of #Free in #PittsburghMy Profile

  2. You could also become a notary public. It’s not huge amounts but people always need a notary and you can charge $5-$10 every time you sit with someone and notarize their documents. You have to pass a pretty long and monotonous test but after that it’s a pretty easy gig. And you get a cool stamp.
    2 Copper Coins recently posted…GRAND-3 Year AnniversaryMy Profile

    • They do have an impressive array of options. It seems to offer the most jobs though if you’re good with computers or good with physically assembling things… in NYC at least that seems to be the case.

  3. All very cool ideas! I love the one about the tours. I don’t know nearly enough about the area I live in for that to be very viable, but what a great idea. I have quite a few hustles that I love to do, including blogging, offering services to bloggers, I have an Etsy shop and every once in awhile I’ll refinish a piece of furniture for re-sale.
    Daisy @ Prairie Eco Thrifter recently posted…3 Ways To Stay On Track with Healthy LivingMy Profile

    • That’s awesome. I was such a geek in high school that I volunteered with our local historical society. I sometimes wonder if I could turn a walking tour of my hometown into a money maker.

  4. I just applied for a job as a trivia host over the weekend! LOL! I think it would be a great job and work well with a mommy’s schedule! And heck no, I could never be a mascot! I hate the heat, but I’m sure it would help with burning calories! Thanks for sharing your awesome lists with Creative Style!
    April recently posted…Protect Your Blogging Feelings, Belly Blasting Smoothies and Budget Friendly Family Summer Activities with Turn it Up Tuesday {42}My Profile

  5. It’s funny. I was just looking on to TaskRabbit yesterday and was thinking on ways to make it work for me, and now it’s actually mentioned as one of the weird ways to make money online.

    I guess I was looking for the weird stuff.

    Thanks for sharing.

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