Why You Should Invest in Versatile Clothing + GIVEAWAY

Why You Should Invest in Versatile Clothing + Giveaway

Why You Should Invest in Versatile Clothing + Giveaway | brokeGIRLrich

I have a confession to make – I have a love/hate relationship with clothes shopping. There are a few stores that are like kryptonite for me, but I’ve also got little patience and generally just wind up frustrated while shopping.

Also, my clothing budget is pretty low these days. I’ve already got more than I need, so if an item is going to tempt me it’s got to be pretty special.

One of the easiest ways for a company to get some of my hard earned cash is by making versatile pieces. Splurging on a nice top feels a lot better when it’s something I can wear to work, out with friends and even when I’m getting a little dressed up.

Since I also live a lot of my life on the go, mix and match outfits are key if an item is going to make it into a suitcase for one of my many month work sojourns.

Necessary Clothing is a great online store with a lot of options that fit the bill here. They have some really cool unique items, but they’ve got a nice, big selection of items that can be worn a lot of different ways.

I received their Lush Sleeveless Overlap Blouse and was surprised how many different ways I could wear it. It looked great hanging out with friends for a casual game night AND for a bachelorette party. Since it’s black, I can also use it for work and it pairs nicely with some of the more conservative skirts I own to even wear it to church.

Not only does this blouse fit in all my categories for being able to wear it a lot of different ways, it was really comfortable, well made and packed without wrinkling. As far as I’m concerned, this blouse nails it.

Yes - this is the most awkward selfie collection ever. I call them the JMDF pics (just missing duck face).

Yes – this is the most awkward selfie collection ever. I call them the JMDF pics (just missing duck face).

Thanks to an embarrassing amount of time reading trashy magazines like Cosmopolitan over the years, I can provide you with these facts:

  • You want to stick to neutral colors when looking for versatile clothing: black, white, tan, khaki, gray, etc.
  • You want timeless pieces like trousers, blazers, button down shirts, etc. Not whatever the current trendy cut is.
  • You can kick up your neutral ensembles with accessories, which are much cheaper and can really bring a little life to your outfits.

To get your timeless ensemble started, I’ve teamed up with Necessary Clothing to be able to provide this giveaway of a $75 credit with their online store. Giveaway is open until 12 AM on April 15th and is available to U.S residents only. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

13 thoughts on “Why You Should Invest in Versatile Clothing + GIVEAWAY

  1. Pingback: $75 Credit at Necessary Clothing Giveaway - Giveaway Promote

  2. Versatility is key. I kind of have a desire to buy a ton more versatile clothing so I can get rid of a good chuck of my clothes cluttering up my closet, it would make the minimalist inside me so happy. But my budget would not be thrilled. I guess it is something I’ll need to build up over time.
    Liz recently posted…The Reality of My Second Checking AccountMy Profile

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Nowadays we are facing problems due to excess shopping and its hard to avoid it totally. Without creating a mess in your wardrobe you can have few good clothes.

    Some clothes are well enough that it can be worn everywhere, as at work or while going for outings. Like you have discussed these are good in comfort and as well gives you good options to switch your styling from work to party evenings.

    Very nice post which can be shared.
    Have a nice upcoming month.

    ~ Harshwardhan
    Harshwardhan Singh recently posted…12 Trending Work Outfits to Wear in Summer 2016My Profile

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