Why Looking After Your Employees Pays Off

If you would like to make your company grow faster, it is important that you pay attention to some of your most important assets. Your organizational knowledge will enable you to serve your market to the best of your abilities, but a lot depends on your staff, too. If you would like to encourage them to do their best, carrots work much better than sticks. While company policies are necessary, you also have to show your appreciation by looking after your employees through reward schemes, career progression plans, and incentives. Below you will find a few reasons why this will pay off long term.

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Image via Flickr


Employees who feel secure in their job and supported will be more loyal to your company. This will reduce the cost of your human resource activities, and you will not have to recruit replacements every week dealing with a high turnaround. If you are operating in an industry where staff retention is an issue, you will need to pay attention to your internal policies to make sure that you give your workers a strong reason to stay with your company.

Attracting the Right People

If you have an employee benefit, education, and reward scheme, you are more likely to attract the best people on the job market. It pays off to offer extra, such as advanced health care, discount vouchers, or even rewards such as early finish on Fridays for staff that hits the target or does something extraordinary that week. Communicate these rewards and policies before you start building your team, and you can get the right people for each job. If you, for example, help them with settling and offer housing options for travel nurses, they will be more likely to take on your offer.

Company Culture

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Image via PxHere

If you have a policy that looks after your employees and their mental and physical health, you are going to be able to build a positive culture where your staff feels respected and valued. This will have a positive impact on the company culture. Be transparent, ask for your employees’ opinion in every decision, and involve them in new initiatives. Ask them for ideas to improve your work environment, and they will be more connected with your brand and organization.


Supported and valued employees are more likely to work harder on your success. If they know that you have their back, they will feel obliged to represent you to the best of their abilities. If you let them have some fun as long as they do their job well, the workplace will become a second home and your employees will be more responsible.

Increased Organizational Knowledge

If you pay attention to creating a great culture and build a team around collaboration, you are going to see people strive higher. They will be ready to share their experiences and their knowledge with others. Give your staff the opportunity to train new staff and shine. You can identify your future leaders, inspire new employees, and empower individuals who are already committed to your company. A sharing culture will increase your organizational knowledge.


If you keep your employees happy, you will find it easier to build a positive brand image and maintain your company’s reputation. Whatever your employees think about your company will not stay a secret for long. They will talk to other people in the industry, share social media updates, and even blow the whistle. This is why your policies need to match everyone’s needs and expectations in your organization, and pinpoint a shared direction.


Happy and healthy employees are more motivated to turn up at the office in the morning than those who feel like they cannot see why they are doing the work they are assigned. Be transparent and involve your staff in making decisions. Ask them regularly how you could make their work easier and more fun, and listen to their suggestions. Motivated employees are more productive and generate more profits for you.


If you would like to improve your company’s productivity, it might be time to start with your employees. Ask them about what you can change and how you can support them in achieving their full potential. If you can align your own company’s goals with your staff’s, you can create a committed, productive, and engaged workforce that will speak highly of your brand and improve your reputation at the same time. Reduce your human resources costs, increase your retention, and improve your organizational productivity.


2 thoughts on “Why Looking After Your Employees Pays Off

  1. Pingback: Why Looking After Your Employees Pays Off - Financentra - Finance News

  2. Pingback: Increase The Potential Of All Your Staff - brokeGIRLrich

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