Over the summer I noticed that the shopping center my gym was in was actually one giant consumerism trap for me.
And I was freaking proud of myself for picking up on that so quickly (I think it also didn’t hurt that most of the stores weren’t open yet when I joined the gym there – giving me extra time to observe what was happening without the temptations).
That being said, there are plenty of times where advertising grabs me by the throat and the next thing I know, my bank account in a few hundred dollars lighter. It’s amazing what advertisers can do nowadays, even the smallest ad maker can make the most amazing advertising that catches the eye. It’s just unfortunate that it was my eye that time!
On the plus side, even though it’s certainly busted my budget for that month, I’ve never done any major damage to my bank account.
On the negative side, WTF emotional spending?!?! How are these ads triggering it? And why is it only some of them??
I have probably the best mother in the planet. She’s super strong and endlessly supportive of every weird adventure I chase. I also learned a lot of important life skills from her – but how to handle my money was not one of them.
My mom lives is a state of perpetually maxed out credit cards and any windfalls she receives are spent immediately. This causes her a lot of stress.
However, when I was growing up, all I saw was that we could buy whatever we wanted. A trip to CVS to pick up one item would end in a cartful of crap that both of us wanted. It was like magic. I would ask for darn near anything in the store and just get it.
This contrasted wildly with shopping with my dad where I would get in trouble sometimes for even asking for a candy bar. Which, in the long run, turns out that I actually picked up his money skills, even if I was often denied the sugar rush I craved.
And maybe it’s totally just me, but once you grow up and stop being an obnoxious know it all teenager, there are still a few things that your parents do that make you raise an eyebrow and think “I’ll never do that.” My mom’s emotionally driven shopping is one of them.
It wasn’t that we’d wind up at the mall if she and my dad had a fight, or if she was angry or sad about anything, but looking back, I think a lot of her shopping was based around boredom. She was a stay at home mom constantly trapped with a small kid. Boredom was, and still is, her main spending emotion.
Turns out, despite all of my scorn for her on this subject, I’m often the same way. And those ads that bust my budget always show up when I’m bored and aimlessly whiling away time on Facebook or Pinterest.
Where they use terrifying robot algorithms to know exactly what you’d probably want to purchase!

Definitely got bored and clicked on a link to this case company the other day. Now it’s still advertising for me on Facebook AND it’s advertising the specific case I liked the most. WTF, evil robots, WTF?
ModCloth can be one of my major budget busters at times. It’s a place I look for clothing regularly when I’m intentionally shopping, but Facebook advertises the crap out of them – it not only does that, but it can pull up ads of specific items I lingered over the last time I was on the site!
When I’m in the middle of a show layoff* and haven’t done much other that sit on my computer and work on my blog for 3 or 4 days, a pretty new t-shirt seems like exactly what I need!
My recent Tieks obsession started 100% on Pinterest at the beginning of the last show layoff. I was cruising Pinterest late at night and got hit by all these pictures of these gorgeous ballet flats in every color under the sun. Then there were all the review pins anddddd 2 months later, they are in my hands. I had started to save for them (and actually did reach my goal), but the moment I bought them was on a whim when I was bored and waiting for a connection at an airport, after seeing yet another ad for them (Facebook hopped on the bandwagon after I clicked through to the Tieks website for the first time).
Is there anything one of your parents did with money that you’re kind of horrified you do too? What kind of advertising really gets to you?
*Show layoffs are when you are contracted to work on a show for X amount of weeks or months, but there is X amount of unpaid time off in the middle of it where they return you home. Usually just a few days, on my last show it was 2 months off in the middle of a 7 month tour. It’s not a layoff like getting fired.
We’ve been walking in the mail as a cheap way of getting out in the winter and exercising. Last week we decided to go to the biggest mall in our town and take the grandbaby. Oh we were lucky to come out of there with our wallets. There was the little cars for her to ride, the train to go on, and some kind of big animals that you drive around. After all that we collapsed and had a coffee. Needless to say we will not go there again for awhile!
I think I got my no spending habits from my parents. Coming from the depression era they watched their money very carefully.
Vickie@Vickie’s Kitchen and Garden recently posted…My Top Goals for this Week 2/8/16
Those big animals you can ride on look so cool – I’ve considered stealing some friend’s kids so I can ride one ;o)
Like you, my parents were on very different financial pages. My dad bought what caught his eye. My mom was frugal — which probably allowed him to do that. Even as a teen, I’d wince when he’d pick up the latest hardback book and pay cover price. In a few months, it’d be in paperback!
As you can tell, I mainly got my mom’s sensibilities.
Abigail @ipickuppennies recently posted…#Adulting
Unfortunately I have fallen prey to these advertisers way too many times. They know just how to get you, evil tormentors!
Miranda recently posted…January Financial Recap
Yes those ads are really sneaky, they know where you’ve been online and it is so tempting! I share an iPad with my husband and kids so I think the algorithm might be a bit confused as to who we are 🙂
I started a list of things I DIDN’T buy (but lusted after). I feel really good when I add to that list, not quite as good as actually buying it, but better none the less.
I actually have a Wishlist board on Pinterest that usually keeps me from buying things. I console myself with the fact that if I really like it and it stays on my mind, I’ll still know where to find it – or when Christmas or my birthday rolls around and my parents ask what I want, I can just direct them to that list. It does work a lot of the time, but every once in a while targeted marketing and boredom collide and I suddenly own a $180 pair of shoes.
I tend not to be an emotional spender, but I am susceptible to psychological tricks like anything “free” (BOGO for example) or limited time only deals. That’s not to say I always follow through on those purchases, but the word “free” just triggers my urge to spend.
Gary @ Super Saving Tips recently posted…How Will the Presidential Election Affect Your Financial Future?
Yes! I’ve seen those adds for Tieks too. Do you actually like them? I thought about ordering a pair…
Cat@BudgetBlonde recently posted…How To Handle Kid Emergencies When You Work From Home
It’s honestly been too cold to wear them! Bu I’m Texas and California bound for the next month, so I should be able to let you know by the end of next week.
Student loan debt was my biggest fear that I saw my parents go through. I was able to avoid it, though. It meant going to college non traditionally, but I graduated debt free. Delayed my earning power, though.
Femme Frugality recently posted…3 Reasons I’m Crushing on Credit Unions
I feel like I came off like a jerk there. Student loans are a much easier thing to dodge as they’re big and traditionally only at one point in your life. I think spending when you’re bored is pretty common and knocks at the door our whole lives. Lately my biggest flaw is spending because I’m tired…. Convenience kills me. Getting better, but it’s been a process.
Femme Frugality recently posted…3 Reasons I’m Crushing on Credit Unions
Oooo everybody has its Kryptonite. For me it’s ‘stuff’ for home decoration, and clothes if they are on sale. Especially now that there’s a little one involved, everything I think she might like I want to buy. But I don’t. Not always…
I’ve been raised incredibly frugally, more out of necessity than out of choice. Because of this I am now too much of a control freak with money at times, but on the other hand I don’t want my children to be deprived of anything. Good to reflect on this 🙂
Mrs. CTC recently posted…Who’s the expert? You are, dammit!
Google ads seem to get me. The other day I was looking at pension plans here in the UK and next thing I know pension providers are popping up all over my own blog, just willing me to go right ahead and invest with them. Other advertising, I don’t really fall prey to these days. I used to be a big emotional spender, my typical offences were stopping at the supermarket on the way home from work to get basic supplies – I ended up with clothes, shoes, bags and all kinds of things. (They sell all sorts at the supermarkets over here)l.
Hayley @ Disease Called Debt recently posted…Really Want to Pay Off Debt? You Might Need to Change Your Friends
They sell all sorts of things at supermarkets over here too! They can definitely be dangerous!
Lots of things, but I’m glad I got the opportunity to learn those lessons and I don’t make the mistakes as often as if I hadn’t seen them unfold for my parents.
Liz recently posted…Financially Savvy Saturday #127
My Mother taught me to make the best of what you have. I never really get tempted by ads, although I do have a small weakness for new car ads.
I have owned so many cars you would think I was a broke Jay Leno. I am getting much better.
I made myself focus on what I have currently and get out of debt.
Michael Belk recently posted…New Albany, MS Tanglefoot Trail; Ready To Expand.
Everyone’s got their weaknesses! And what an awesome thing that your mother taught you.