What is a Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad is someone who gets to work remotely on their laptop or tablet anywhere in the world with an internet connection. A Digital Nomad freelancer does his own business or has a job that can be done from any location.

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What are the benefits of this lifestyle?

This lifestyle allows you to set your own hours and location for work. You get to choose where you want to live at any point in time because it’s easy for you to uproot yourself every few months without having to worry about paying rent back home. If you enjoy travel, then this lifestyle will allow you even more free time. You can take mini-vacations whenever you feel like it instead of waiting for your vacation time every year.

Who is this lifestyle best suited for?

If you love to travel, love computer work, and don’t mind working long hours, then becoming a Digital Nomad is the perfect lifestyle for you.

What are some steps that I can take to become a digital nomad?

Of course, this lifestyle isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, if we’re being honest here. It does indeed come with its pitfalls and challenges, so let’s go over what those might be:

– The first possible pitfall: You will most likely need to stay in pretty nice places because of your laptop and internet connection. These nice hotels can eat up money fast if you are not careful!

– The second possible pitfall: If you know that you are good at negotiating prices with your computer skills, then this lifestyle might be very profitable for you. However, if you aren’t really good at negotiating deals or work more on the service side of things (meaning hosting websites, designing logos, etc.) Then it will probably not be as profitable.

– The third possible pitfall: You can easily get lonely because there is no one that is physically around to hang out with all the time.

So, what do I need to do in order to become a digital nomad?

Now that we’ve got those pitfalls out of the way, let’s go over some steps that you can take to become a Digital Nomad successfully. 

Step One- Set yourself up for success.

Find a laptop that is the lightest weight and fastest computer possible.

Step Two- Get Your Mindset Right!

Don’t think of this as only a temporary adventure or vacation somewhere, but rather think of it as an exciting lifestyle change, so you are more motivated to stay consistent. 

Step Three- Save Money  

Save up at least $6000 in your savings account before quitting your current job, so you have extra money available if any emergency expenses come about.  Also, try to save at least six months of rent or mortgage payments just in case you need them while out traveling around the world.

TIP: Tax affairs and accounting services – not always the most exciting of subjects, but they can be important and you need to get them right. Think about it, if your accountant doesn’t do their job properly then YOU could end up in hot water with the taxman. Ensure you have an IRS tax attorney as a professional contact on your phone just in case you need their services.

Step Four- Get a Job or Freelance 

Find a way to do computer work that can be done anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Step Five- Set Up Your New Lifestyle

Try finding a country that does not require you to renew your visa constantly. This will save you lots of money in the long run. Get an apartment or house in whatever city you are planning on traveling to so you have somewhere to stay when you go there. Find a place with affordable housing and also a free or cheap gym. 

Make sure there are no extreme weather conditions wherever you go, so it doesn’t cause more wear and tear on your laptop during those times. Research places where the best Wi-Fi connections are found so if your computer slows down while working, then you can always move around to find better reception.  

Get medical insurance and travel insurance whenever possible so you can protect yourself if something goes wrong.

Step Six- Seize Opportunities To Travel And Explore!

Since you’ll be staying in one place for at least six months, why not spend that time exploring all the different parts of it? This is your opportunity to see the world in a way you probably would have never been able to otherwise. Take advantage of this exciting lifestyle change and go out there and create some amazing memories that will last you a lifetime!     

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