What Do Your Google Searches Say About Your Finances

What Do Your Google Searches Say About Your Finances

What Do Your Google Searches Say About Your Finances | brokeGIRLrich

I’ve decided to go on a highly scientific quest.

I wanted to know what my Google searches say about my finances.

I feel like a quick glance at my Facebook will easily show you my spending habits – heaven knows those mfers have me pegged with their ridiculously effective advertising.

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Like these shoes! What the heck? They’re like fancy crocks. I love them. I refuse to buy them until August though. But I never would’ve known they exist without Facebooks stupid targeted ads.

This is so accurate:

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But Facebook happens to me, I don’t go looking for it. I can’t really control those ads without disappearing into the ether of Facebook security and trying to uncheck 8,000 boxes of vintage clothes stores, exotic vacation packages, and bras…. like, a lot of bras for some reason… and all. the. shoes.

Google is my choice though. I enter those searches.

I mean, of course my Google searches are 100% just me trying to better myself and improve my life. It’s definitely not “modcloth popup shop” and “mimosa Frankfurt airport.” 😳

Here’s what a cursory glance tells me.

I spend a lot of time planning trips I may never go on. There are a lot of “Things to Do in XXX” on there.

And while at initial glance I felt a little guilty, I realized all my Googling for the trips I do actually go on and the cities I go to on tour often have Budget, Frugal, and Free in there too.

This makes me happy cause while I often feel like I’ve relaxed the spending reigns a lot (and a recent budget analysis shows that in some ways I have), I’m still using my frugal roots to get the best bargains on the things I want to spend money on anyway.

If you saw my Google search history, you would probably think I’m some sort of lawyer, but the search history also strongly reflects the frantic Googling I do trying to make sense of Business Law I and Business Law II.

Sometimes I get a little existential with searches like “does job security even exist anymore” and “how do i find my united mileage number.” Also, there is the ever important “when to use whom.”

I was unaware of how much I had been looking into freelancer taxes because 2019 is the first year where the majority of my income is coming from 1099s and the first time I’ll have to pay quarterly taxes. This has apparently pushed me to look for every possible way to minimize my taxes.

I also Googled “ship gifs” 8 times on the same day and have no recollection of why.

When I was interviewing for my new job, there are a lot of Google searches related to the company and the person interviewing me. So – successful approach to interviews?

So to sum it up, Google tells me I still care about frugal hacks, that I constantly have travel on the brain, that I thoroughly research companies before I go work for them, and sometimes I just need some info on “lexie grey.”

What would a Google history search reveal about your financial mindset?

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