Ways That You Can Make Your Sick Day Productive

An issue that a lot of people have is that they’re afraid of taking sick days unless they’re physically incapable of hauling themselves out of bed. But this generally isn’t the smartest thing to do: you should remember that if you don’t feel great, and if you are able to take the day off, you should. It will help you heal more quickly and it will also ensure that you don’t spread whatever malady you have to the rest of your office. But if you’re still itching for something to do instead of lying on your couch in front of Netflix all day, here are some tips on how to make your sick days productive…

Try Out A Comfort Food Recipe

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If you don’t feel well, the last thing you feel like doing is creating a huge and extravagant meal. But there are things that you can cook that will make you feel better – look at the leftovers in your fridge and figure out what you can do with them. If you’re making yourself tomato soup and grilled cheese, use good bread, plenty of butter, and cheese that has a great taste to it instead of those plasticky orange squares. Anything full of garlic may not be great for your breath, but it has antibacterial and antiviral qualities, and it can help support your immune system so you can kick out whatever bug you have quickly and easily. Honey is also a great food to eat when you’re sick – it also has antibacterial qualities and can particularly help a sore throat. Finally, if you’re nauseous, try anything with ginger in. Ginger snaps are quick and easy to bake and can help to soothe a poorly stomach.

Get That Brain Working

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The fact that your body isn’t at its best doesn’t mean that you have to let your mind sit idly by! Get out that book that you’ve been wanting to read – you don’t need to go for Tolstoy here, but why not crack through a bestseller with a great plot that’ll keep you gripped and your mind away from your stuffy nose? You could also try word games online like wordsearches, logic puzzles, crosswords and anagrams. If you aren’t feeling your cleverest, don’t worry – try a word unscrambler for the hardest puzzles! 

Get Some Fresh Air

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Finally, make sure that you get out of the house. Fresh air is a great way to make you feel better, and although you definitely don’t need to go running, it’s a great idea to stroll to your local store to pick up a can of chicken soup – just make sure that you take some antibacterial hand gel with you so you don’t pass on your germs to anyone else! Fresh air will help to decrease any headache that you might have, and it will also stop you going slowly nuts as you stare at the walls of your home.

Being sick doesn’t mean that you also have to be bored! Try out these tips to make your sick days surprisingly enjoyable.


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