Want To Save The World? These Jobs Are For You

Some people want to sit in an office and tackle numbers, and others want to run into a burning building and save people. 

If you are the latter but haven’t found the right career path for you just yet, then here are some of the options you have when it comes to a career that saves the world. 

Photo by Daniel Tausis on Unsplash


An occupational therapist can give people their life back. Although you might choose to specialize in a specific demographic of patients, you can help anyone of any age. 

You might have older patients struggling with mobility come to your office, and you can help them stay mobile and active as they age. Or you may be dealing with people who have been injured in an accident and need to learn to use limbs again. You may need to go back to college to qualify, but if you choose a learning community designed for busy adults, this does not have to be too stressful, and if it means you can have a more meaningful work life, it will be worth it.


When we think of everyday heroes, firefighters are top of the list. Firefighters are the bravest of the brave and waste no time getting into a building to save the people and the structure. 

What makes firefighters even more extraordinary is that they also go out into the community and educate the public on fire safety. 

Often visiting schools and taking part in projects that help supply fire alarms and other fire safety apparatus. 

Firefighters have to do a lot of intense training both physically and mentally to be prepared to face some of the worst things with efficiency. 

Airport Security

We probably won’t need to convince you as to why airports and airspace both need to be protected, only that the management of thousands of people daily does not happen safely without excellent professionals, perhaps you, ensuring security is a priority.

With an aviation security course you can learn all about this, and potentially net a well-paid job caring for thousands taking to the skies each day.


An EMT is an emergency medical technician, and they are one of the most vital roles in an emergency care setting. They perform a vast range of duties and have to have specialized training. 

There are several levels of EMT, and before you work your way through the exams and the certifications, you’ll find yourself taking more than one EMT practice test

Intermediate EMTs can inject IVs, monitor EKGs, and deliver around 20 various medications. A career as an EMT is ill-suited for people seeking a traditional workplace. It requires long hours and constant stress, but the payoff is saving lives.


Diet and nutrition can help manage many different diseases – not only that, but it can help people live a long and comfortable life. Ensuring the people who visit your office receive the highest level of care and understand as you help them to turn their lives around. 

You might be helping people tackle weight loss, weight gain, diabetes, or malnutrition due to allergies and other medical conditions. 

Massage Therapist

Stress is one of the biggest issues in modern society and can lead to overeating, depression, mental health issues, heart problems, and strokes. A massage therapist can offer a range of services to lower stress, improve circulation, and help recovery from injury. 

The careers that can help save people are typically people-facing but can cover a wide range, from those on the ground like firefighters and police to those in offices like OTs and nurses. 

If you are looking for high-paying careers, then here is a post for you: 8 Ways To Help You Get a Job That Pays Well.

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