Wall Street Survivor

Wallstreetsurvivor.com – my new favorite toy. It gives you $100,000 to “play” the stock market. You invest in what you want and watch it grow – or not.  So far, I am not doing great. I researched a few stocks in two markets I was curious about – one was value/discount chains (I read an article about them in Kiplinger’s that interested me) and the other was mortuary businesses (because that’ll always be relevant, right?).

So 1 day in and I’m down .06% on my overall return, but every transaction cost $10 and I “bought” 10 stocks, so we’ll see how it does over a few more days. Family Dollar Store is my superstar so far ($85.00 up) and Service Corporation International is my big loser ($39.00 down). If you sign up for it, friend me at Melissitchka.

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