Tutors, Budgets, And World-Skills: Getting More Out Of College

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College is simultaneously the most exciting and overwhelming experience of your life. Whether you’ve just started a course or you’re on the verge of starting one, you’re probably looking forward to meeting new friends, learning new things, and experiencing true independence. Of course, all of those things might seem scary at the same time. It’s important not to shy away from these new experiences out of fear, however. Here’s how to get more out of college.

Do the work after lectures.

It’s so important to do work outside of college hours. College isn’t like school. Teachers won’t nag you to hand in homework; it’s up to you if you choose not to study hard enough (or at all). If you are struggling to do the work independently, however, then you might want to look into available tutors who could offer personalized assistance to help you succeed in your studies. It’s better to ask for help and not need it than get into an exam and wish you’d had just a little more assistance.

Even if you feel as if you’re doing well in lectures, it doesn’t hurt to keep studying once you get back to your dorm. Additionally, you shouldn’t stop studying once you feel as if you “know everything” for an exam or an essay. There’s never a point at which you know it all because nobody ever really does know everything; a schedule that involves regular revision will ensure you succeed. The “little and often” approach to studying works best. Don’t cram it all at the end and don’t work hard early in the year just so you can put your feet up later on (you might forget some of that knowledge if you don’t work hard to retain it).

Learn how to manage money.

Of course, another important part of the college experience involves learning how to manage your money. You might have received some financial help from your parents but living away from home means you have to learn to make your own decisions regarding the things you buy. It’s not just food and accommodation that you need to think about; college books, tutoring fees, and other college-related costs need to be considered. You need to learn to be money-savvy. For example, your student ID card can get you discounts in certain places; remember to always have it with you and check with cashiers as to whether you can use it. On a basic level, however, you need to learn how to budget. Make a list of all your necessary costs for the month and how much of your loan will need to cover those things. The money remaining is your disposable income; don’t exceed this amount on luxury expenditures.

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Choose additional “real world” classes.

Your college years don’t last as long as you might think. Before you know it, you’re out in the real world. Maybe you don’t feel prepared quite yet but college can change all of that. You should choose additional courses such as sociology or economics that can help to teach you something about the way in which the real world works. This is your chance to soak up all the educational resources at your disposal and really increase your knowledge of the world before you truly enter it.

2 thoughts on “Tutors, Budgets, And World-Skills: Getting More Out Of College

  1. Great advice. The college world can be very different than the rest of the world. Day to day expenses might seem insignificant when the tuition is $30,000, but this is the time to begin managing money wisely. It is very important to keep perspective, and remember why you are at college in the first place.
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