Travel Tips for Adventurers on a Budget

Ask a hundred people if they’d like to travel more, and we’d bet that more than 90 of those people would respond with a resounding “YES!”. Alas, with costs going up all the time, many people find themselves believing that taking a trip just isn’t feasible at the moment. However, it’s important to remember that while having a million dollars in the bank certainly makes travel more accessible, it’s not as if you need to have a lot of extra cash to take a trip. People have been going on budget-friendly adventures for hundreds of years, and there’s no reason to think that you can’t too. Below, we’ll look at some effective tips that’ll put a travel trip within your reach. 

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Choose a Budget-Friendly Destination

If you want to spend a week in Dubai, then yes, you’ll need to have a fair amount of money in your bank account. That’s not an affordable destination, and neither is New York, Paris, London, or anywhere in Scandinavia. But think about it — those places only account for a tiny percentage of the planet. There are plenty of affordable places you can visit, and not all of them are “off the beaten path.” Colombia is easily reachable from the United States, for example, and once you’re there you’ll find that your daily expenses are minimal.

Create a Savings Pot

You might not have enough money in your bank account for a trip right now, but is it possible that you could in six months’ time? If you’re in a position to direct some of your income to a savings account each month, then you could find that you have money for a trip in a matter of months. If all your money is currently accounted for, then you can also consider starting a side hustle. There are plenty of side hustles for women that’ll help to bring in some extra cash each month, all of which can go into your travel savings pot. This approach is handy because it’ll allow you to travel without having to impact your primary bank account. 

Volunteer Your Time

Two of the biggest costs associated with traveling are accommodation and food. You’ll need to stay somewhere and eat something, no matter how budget-minded you are. So what if you could do away with those costs? Well, you can, simply by volunteering your time. Sites like HelpX and Workaway connect volunteers with hosts, who, in exchange for a few hours of work each day, will provide accommodation and meals. Volunteering can do more than just save you money, too — it often provides experiences that no amount of money can buy. 

Act Like a Local 

Finally, think about what you’re spending money on when you’re traveling. Exhibitions and attractions can be expensive, but there’s no law that says you have to do those things. In some places, just doing what the locals do can be highly rewarding. Who doesn’t like going to free local events or spending a day at the beach? 

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