Time For a Pause | brokeGIRLrich
On July 22, 2013 I was 28 years old and I published WTF is this Stock Market Thing? (Step 1).
(You totally don’t have to click that link. It’s not a very good post.)
For the last 2815 days, seven and a half years, I’ve posted at least three times a week.
For several years I hosted and co-hosted a personal finance link up on Saturdays as well.
I’ve grown my net worth. I’ve grown in my career. I’ve achieved a lot of cool stuff and had some really lousy stuff happen too.
And I’ve blogged about it all. I hope I’ve managed to shed some light on how much stage managers make, and how to work in the arts without going broke.
This year has been something else. I stare at a computer all day.
So many other people do too.
And I am just empty. I feel like I don’t currently have much to say about personal finance. I also would rather pluck out my eyeballs than spend extra time staring at the computer after work.
I’m so grateful for the things I’ve learned, the moves I’ve made, and the luck I’ve had that have put me in the stable position I went into the pandemic with.
I continue to do really boring things like set financial goals each year, keep a well-stocked emergency fund, max out the retirement accounts available to me, and try to prepare for big expenses in advance.
And I’m still more than happy to chat finance with anyone who has questions via email or (gasp, someday) in person.
But the thought of trying to come up with another to post to maintain the three day a week schedule I arbitrarily set almost 8 years ago is just not happening.
Maybe when life goes back to normal and I don’t feel chained to a computer all day, every day, it will be realistic to return to brokeGIRLrich.
I’m hopeful that just removing the “I have to do it” feeling will be helpful enough that I’ll be back in no time.
However, for now, I’m going to continue doing accountability updates (probably with life updates weaved in) once a month, because, very selfishly, tracking my goals has been a pretty major tool to my financial success.
If something comes up and I want to blog about it, I will. I always avoided this approach because I was pretty sure I would just wind up letting the blog die – which might be what happens. We’ll see.
Right now I need to disconnect a bit. Thanks to this blog, I’ve developed a pretty strong addiction to Twitter, so you can still find me over there. I still love reading about pf and stage managing, so I’ll also be sharing away over there.
Most importantly, I want to thank all of you who have been reading whether it’s been for years or today is your first time. The archive will still be there, so feel free to poke around! And I want to make sure that those of you in the personal finance community know how grateful I am for your friendships and all the things you’ve taught me over the last several years!
I like to think it’s probably see you later and not good-bye – or as we say in the circus:
I’ve always loved your writing style, haha… and all those fun guest posts you did for me years back! I won’t say bye since I know I’ll see you again – whether here or online or at FinCon – but just wanted to pop in and say I love you and can 100% understand (and relate) to this. Sending over good vibes!!
I find that sometimes the hardest person to please is myself. Congrats to setting boundaries for your needs.
I can relate, I started with two posts a week and dropped down to one. It was, and continues to be, the right choice. I noticed my writing is better and my topics are more intentional. For me, it was the right move. I hope it is for you too!
On the brightside, if it isn’t, you can always change!
Budget Life List recently posted…Growth Mindset: Investing in Change
Thanks! You’re right! I think 3X a week was the right choice for me in the beginning. I know I’m the type of person who needs a set schedule to stick with something – hopefully it’s set enough that I’ll be able to stick with the one going forward.