Things To Do When You Move Into An Old House

Moving home is one of the biggest things you will do in your life, no matter how many times you do it. When you purchase a new house it offers the possibility of new beginnings where you will make memories and get the chance to make it your own. Yet there is a big difference between moving into a new house that has only just been built and not had anyone live in it before, to moving into somewhere that was previously owned by other owners, particularly if it is an old or listed building. In this article we take a look at some top tips to do when you move into an old house. Keep on reading to find out more and get inspired. 

Photo by Vitaly Gariev from Pexels: 

Ensure you give it a thorough clean

One of the first things you need to do when you get the keys to your new home is to give it a thorough clean. This involves everything from hiring a chimney sweep to sort out the chimney, to giving all the cupboards, floors and even the ceilings a deep clean. This can get rid of any dirt and smells that might have been left there from the past occupants and can make it feel ready for you to move into.

Sort out the utilities

Another big thing to do when moving, is to sort out the utilities. You should take metre readings of things such as your electricity and water so you can ensure you don’t get charged for anything that the previous owner used before they moved out. You should then inform all the companies that you have moved into the address and get the bills moved over to your name.

Decide how you will make it your own

When the more practical bits are done, you need to think of how you will make it your own. What sort of decorations will you want in the house? Do you want the layout to stay the same? Or are you perhaps thinking of making it more open planned? Do you want to add rooms? Or perhaps transform a bedroom into an office. These are all things you need to consider when thinking about how you can make it a space that is functional fit for the purpose you want to live in.

These are just a few things you should do when you move into an older house. Moving into a home that has been owned by someone else doesn’t need to be something you need to worry about, instead you know it’s stood the test of time and others have loved living there. Yet you need to be prepared to make it yours and put in some hard work to get it to where you want it to be. What are some top tips you have for moving into an older house? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.

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