Things I’m Thankful For This Year


Here are 10 things I’m super grateful for this year, how about you?

1. My family. That we’re all still here.

2. My job. Because sometimes I hate it and sometimes I love it, but I’ve learned more from it this year than the rest of the years combined.

3. My circus family. Because they’re the toughest bunch I know. And I’m going to miss them a lot.

4. Stroopwaffles. Enough said.

5. My best friends – especially our trip to Iceland this year.

6. Financial stability. Enough that it lets me contemplate things like Sabbaticals and time off with family and other radical changes that others probably don’t have the privilege to consider.

7. Electric Blankets & Space Heaters. Because RVs in the Manhattan in the winter are cold, but this year I’m not.

8. A good nights sleep. Seriously. Touring life is the only life where showering and sleep seem like extravagances.

9. Modern plumbing. Also becauseĀ of the last year in the RV.

10. Freedom. The personal kinds. The patriotic kinds. The totally open future it holds to make whatever choices I want.

Happy Thanksgiving!



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