The Millennial’s Dream: Getting Rich Online

The American Dream is still very much alive. However, it has changed dramatically over the years. There was a time where it was synonymous with owning your own home or being able to launch your independent business. While there is no denying that both those projects rank high on the list of things to achieve in your life, they are no match for the 21st-century aspiration of many Millennials and Gen Z, namely getting rich online. We’ve all read the success stories of young entrepreneurs who turned to the Internet to make money and have become millionaires overnight. Most of them offer to share their secrets with you, as long as you agree to pay the shamelessly high fees of their online course on “how to make a million online”. The truth is that you’re unlikely to gain anything from the course. The online world is not as promising as it might have seemed in the late 90s and early 2000s. While it’s sad to shatter your dreams of digital wealth so early in the article, but there’s no such thing as a secret tip that nobody knows about and that can generate millions as you casually click the mouse. 

However, if you start thinking of the online world as a platform to build wealth and support your finances gradually, you are more likely to find a way to make it work. Indeed, the American Dream of getting rich in a click belongs to the long series of impossible dreams – along with having a pet unicorn or being invited to Mariah Carey’s Christmas party. But, maximizing the digital features and functions available on the Internet to support your wealth growth can have positive results in the long term. Here are some of the smart ways in which you can make money online, one dollar at a time – and sometimes even more! 

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Pixabay – CC0 License 

Make the most of online discounts

With billions of websites around, there is so much information accessible at all times to online users. While you are unlikely to stumble upon a genuine site that claims to have unlocked the key to instant wealth – however, you are going to find plenty of fake promises –, you can undoubtedly discover sites that store coupons and discount codes. They may be unassuming at first, but discounted products and other offers can save you a lot of money in the long term. A voucher code app, or a plug-in you can add to your browser, such as honey, can make online shopping a breeze. Granted, you are not getting rich. But you are spending less money when you buy something, which, ultimately, goes toward growing your finances. 

Games and gambles that can make a difference 

Playing online money games can seem like a risk if you’re not careful about sticking to a strict budget. In reality, strategic players who choose not to push their luck when they win or lose are more likely to receive some of the best casino bonuses for online games. Indeed, take the time to check your options before you register for a spin or an online bet. The secret to make it work for your budget is to give yourself the opportunity to claim the best deposit bonus – meaning that you can spin or bet for less. Players tend to set a budget for a period of playing. Their budget is proportional to their income and doesn’t put their household or lifestyle at risk. In other words, the danger with gambling is not the game itself; it’s not knowing when to stop. If you’re clear about how much you should spend, you’re more likely to benefit from your hobby! 

The dream-worthy online jobs don’t exist

How many times have you heard that freelancing online is the way to make money? The truth, however, is a little different. Platforms such as Upwork or are popular among first-time freelancing individuals, but they are not a viable option. Indeed, these platforms tend to keep an awful lot of your earnings. Additionally, as users often choose to compete on price, it’s fair to say that not only you’re forced to bid on projects with a low cost, but the platform is also charging commission in exchange for your user account. According to a study, over half of Upwork users are planning to leave the platform within 2 months. In other words, if you’re hoping for a casual side hustle that can make you a ton of money while you’re not looking, freelancing platforms are not the way forward. Instead, you should consider the pros and cons of starting a real online business. 

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Pixabay – CC0 License 

Starting your own business needs dedication

The most recommended business type in 2019 is the ecommerce business. Indeed, ecommerce ventures have the potential to grow into full-time companies that provide sustainable and long-term success. Of course, you need to invest a lot of time and effort into meeting your customer expectations and fighting off the online competition – which is fierce –, but growth is achievable. After all, there are tens of thousands of online stores making billions in online revenues today. Most of them didn’t even exist 5 years ago. They found their niche and maximize their market research to reach out to their audience. It’s hard work, but if you do it right, it can, indeed, make you rich. 

You’re not the only one trying to get noticed

Unfortunately, launching an online business might seem easy at first – nowadays, you can build a website in a matter of minutes. But 90% of Internet businesses fail within the first 120 days of the launch. Indeed, the online market is a crowded place. As an enthusiastic and new coming entrepreneur, you need to be ready for the challenges ahead of you. Building your presence requires discipline, strategy, and research. More importantly, it needs time. It won’t happen overnight! You can’t afford not to pay attention to your plan and processes, because the competition gets bigger every day! 

Can you get rich online? The answer is not a simple yes or no. Indeed, you can make money online. However, building wealth involves a lot of hard work and patience. For anybody who wants to see positive results overnight: Failure happens quicker than success. However, if you are dedicated to make it work and learn from the market and the online options around you, you can gradually build a sustainable income, from online games or ventures. 

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