The Benefits Of Having Great Friendships

Having good people in life is something that’s often underestimated. They can be a great help to those that need them, particularly when going through a tumultuous time.

With that in mind, what are the benefits of having great friendships in life? Let’s explore the advantages that come with building friendships both in adulthood and beyond.

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Friendships come and go

It’s important to remember that friendships come and go in life. Some may stick around for certain times in life to teach lessons, while others may remain in life forever as a best friend. 

According to research, we make just 29 real friends in our lifetime and only six of those will last. We often lost touch with over half of the friendships that are made. After all, not everyone has the same amount of time available to maintain so many relationships with the same level of energy.

Four benefits of having great friendships

What benefits can people have from forming great relationships and friendships with others? Here are the advantages that many people might want to take on when forming friendships this year.

They lift self-esteem and confidence

With the right people in our lives, it can be a real boost for self-esteem and those who have confidence issues. After all, we tend to be our own worst enemies when it comes to critiquing our personalities, our choices, and our behavior in life.

Having strong friendships can help those with low self-esteem to feel the best version of themselves, even when that confidence may be lacking.

Real friends are there when they’re needed most

When it comes to times in life when we all go through it, transparent people are those that we need the most. Those that are real and authentic in their intentions and that aren’t simply there for the clout or a temporary shoulder to cry on.

Real friends will help their best friends whenever they’re needed and most of all, when things go bad.

They can help through stressful situations

Stress is tough and everyone experiences it in life. Having great friendships can be important to provide those opportunities to relax and forget about those situations that are ongoing.

Whether it’s stress within the workplace or problems in personal life, it’s important to have friendships in place that can take away those troubles. It’s surprising just how much a good friendship can lift the mood and help distract from the issues going on in life.

Encourage positive 

Positivity is an important one because there can be often, too much negativity in life. With that in mind, having some positive influences is a good thing. We can sometimes surround ourselves with the wrong people in the hopes of finding what we’re looking for. Toxic people can come and go in everyone’s lives, which is why it’s important to surround yourself with the right ones. 

There are many benefits that come with having great friendships and it’s something that should be actively looked for in life, whether a person is introverted or not.

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