The $2.50 Subway Conundrum

The $2.50 Subway Conundrum

The $2.50 Subway Conundrum | brokeGIRLrich

Yesterday as I was walking 20 blocks to Penn Station after work, I had some time to think.

You see, I wasn’t on a tight schedule after work, it was a nice day and I figured, why spend $2.50 if I don’t have to on the subway back? My travel stipend for this job just barely covers my NJ Transit tickets into the city for the duration, so each subway ride I take from Penn Station down to Hudson Street is on my own dime.

It started out fine. It really was a nice day. About halfway there, I started thinking about how freaking heavy my backpack was. And about ¾ of the way, I started wondering what possessed me to think this was worth $2.50. If I hadn’t been carrying a heavy backpack, I told myself, I’d’ve been fine. But I was.

That flipped on the personal finance voice in my brain who really started to wonder, was it worth a mere $2.50, what I was doing to myself?

I immediately thought, if I had some kind of freelance writing gig lined up and could be making $100 right now, then no, this would be ridiculous and I would’ve shelled out the $2.50 to get home and get right to work.

But in that moment, I didn’t have anything else I could be doing. In that moment, the best I could do was make $2.50 that hour. Which is a pretty paltry sum.

However, I also reminded myself that if I made this walk back even just 75% of the time after rehearsals, that would quickly add up to about $70, and on a budget as tight as mine, wouldn’t I rather be able to hit the movies or go out to dinner with my friends a few times this summer than take the subway after work?

There’s also the exercise factor. As whiny as I was, I probably only walked about 2 miles, if that. For someone who spends a lot of her time on her computer typing or binge watching Once Upon a Time lately, this choice has health benefits that probably outweigh the $2.50 I’m saving.

By the time I hit Penn Station, I knew I’d made the right choice, because when you’re in a budget lockdown, even $2.50 can make a difference.

18 thoughts on “The $2.50 Subway Conundrum

  1. “For someone who spends a lot of her time on her computer typing or binge watching Once Upon a Time lately”

    *cough* Well hello, life twin. I too have been doing all of this. 🙂 When I catch myself being a Pokeasaurus Rex, wanting to cut short Seamus’s walk so I can get back to work or being lazy about playing with JuggerBaby, I have to (strongly) remind myself that walking regularly is part of being healthy and there are some things that promote good health that you just can’t buy. 30 minutes of walking a day is far more beneficial in the long haul than 30 more minutes in front of the computer. And it can open up your mind to inspiration, besides.

    And, of course, every nickel does count when you are in budget lockdown.
    Revanche@AGaiShanLife recently posted…Finally Friday #3My Profile

  2. Every little helps and 2 miles of good walking is a great way to build exercise into your day! I try not to pay for car parking in our local town (couldn’t walk all the way there honestly) by parking quite a bit away and walking in to the town center.

    On another note I love Once Upon a Time! What series are you on?
    Hayley @ Disease Called Debt recently posted…Oops!… I (Nearly) Did It AgainMy Profile

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