Ten Tips For Improving Equality Within The Workplace

Being able to lead the way when it comes to equality in business is something that you can be proud to leave as a legacy. Equality is something that we’re all still fighting for and there’s no better focus when in business than on your own workforce.

The workplace should be a welcoming, inviting, and inclusive space for all. However, there are still problems with many businesses whether that involves a gender pay gap, or a lack of diversity in the workplace whether it’s color of skin or disability.

There are always ways in which you can improve equality within the workplace.

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1. Provide equal pay

Equal pay is something that unfortunately not every business has provided to its workforce and this is not something that’s excusable. Despite gender or background, every person should receive equal pay to their counterparts.

Providing equal pay is a big step in the right direction when it comes to delivering equality to your team. If you’re not doing so right now, it’s important to ask yourself why that is. Perhaps you don’t currently have the financial ability to do so but would like to provide equal pay eventually.

It’s important that equal pay sits at the top of your priority list when it comes to improving equality within the workplace. Equal pay matters and plays a big role in ensuring equality is given to all those who are entitled to it and fighting tirelessly to get it.

2. Look at how to improve workplace diversity

The workplace as a whole is something that you want to improve when it comes to the diversity of the workforce.

It’s important to get clarity on how diverse your business is, not only at the senior and c-suite level employees but all the way down the chain. 

Workplace diversity is one that should be focused on when it comes to making hires. Every hire you make should be influenced by diversity in your mind. If you’ve noticed that your workforce is currently not very diverse, then you should be making strategic efforts to improve the teams and ensure the workforce you have, reflects the colorful society we have.

If you’re not quite sure whether you’re doing enough to help diversify your workplace, then you should do the research and look at workplace diversity guides for advice on this area of equality within the business.

3. Be transparent with your communications and check in regularly

Transparency is important when it comes to your business and there’s no better transparency than communicating with your employees on a regular basis.

Having that one-to-one with your employees on a weekly or even monthly basis can be helpful in understanding their needs, where they need lifting up and empowering as their manager or employer.

Having that transparency is important so that every employee knows where they stand. It not only helps provide comfort to your employees but respect too. Feeling valued and respected as an employee is unfortunately not something that everyone is given by their employers.

Be sure to check in where you can and make this mandatory so that your superiors within the business are having those conversations with their peers whether or not they need it.

4. Provide unconscious bias training

Unconscious bias training is perhaps something that all of us will need in our lifetime. There are a lot of inherited judgments and prejudices that all of us are prone to have and it’s something that needs training and education.

When referring to unconscious bias, it’s something that can influence a lot of things within the business environment. The social stereotypes around certain groups of people that individuals will form outside of their own consciousness are something to be mindful of.

With training, it can expose the unconscious bias that we will all have in some way, shape, or form. It can be a great way to remove that bias so that the decisions and actions made and taken, are done so without any bias attached to it.

It can help to understand the snap decisions some people can make when influenced by outdated beliefs or preconceived ideologies. With this type of training, you can work towards a more equal workforce where bias doesn’t exist as much as it used to.

5. Hire diverse employees

Hiring diverse employees is something that you should be proactive in doing. Diversity is an important part of your workforce and when you’re making new hires, you should ensure the volume of applicants you get is as diverse as possible.

It’s not just about getting diversity through the door of the interview room but also ensuring that there are plenty of people from all walks of life and backgrounds, applying for the job advertised.

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At the same time though, you want to ensure all applicants are capable of doing the job, both in skills, experience, and qualifications.

When doing a recruitment drive or hiring new members of staff for your teams, be sure to make the job advertisement inclusive for all. Try to be selective with your wording and ensure that everyone has the ability to apply without encountering problems if they require assistance filling in forms, etc.

6. Listen to your employees and their concerns

Your employees are a great source of information and knowledge when looking to make improvements within the business. It’s important that you’re listening to your employees and understanding their concerns. 

That’s where the one-to-one meetings will come in handy in order to get the thoughts and opinions of your staff members. Whether it’s regarding workplace culture, the lack of diversity in the workplace, or something else in relation to their health and wellbeing. Being seen to listen to your employees and their concerns is something that will be incredibly beneficial.

However, you should also take action when it comes to your employee needs, ensuring that their voices are being heard and that actionable steps are taken when they raise concerns of any kind.

7. Acknowledge employee holidays and cultural celebrations

When it comes to improving equality and diversity in the workplace, it’s important to be respectful of everyone’s holidays and cultural celebrations. There will be some staff members who want to take time off in order to enjoy the festive season whereas others will want time off for cultural and religious reasons.

Both should be respected, acknowledged, and provided where possible. Of course, it might not always be possible to give everyone, every time the opportunity for time off but the more you can provide it through their annual leave and holiday, the better.

Giving your employees the chance to celebrate their holidays is important and something to be mindful of when it comes to your business and how it operates.

8. Adapt and change with the times

The world is changing at a breakneck speed so everything you do and say will often come under scrutiny. It’s good as a business to educate yourself and to continue to educate yourself as times change and societal norms evolve with the world and where it’s at right now.

Adapting and changing are two important parts of running a successful business. If you’re not able to do either, then that alone can put you at risk of failure as a company.

Being able to adapt and shift with the times, is a great quality to have in business and one that is highly important when improving equality within the workplace.

9. Be a leader in workplace diversity and equality

All employees should feel safe and secure within the workplace. Everything that you do and say will be seen and heard by the entirety of the workforce. Therefore it’s important that you’re leading by example when it comes to workplace diversity and equality.

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You should be proactive when it comes to your own efforts towards promoting diversity and equality. Whether you’re a manager supervisor, or even the owner of the business, you should be inspiring the people who look up to you and work for you.

Leadership is something that you should take very seriously and nurture for all of the staff members who look to you for guidance and support. Creating a safe workspace and listening to your staff members are just two ways in which you can improve workplace diversity and equality for the better.

10. Provide mentoring opportunities

Mentoring opportunities are great for your business to have and it’s good to try and encourage all your staff where applicable to put themselves up for mentoring. It’s a good way of passing down knowledge and exchanging knowledge and skills with those who don’t yet have them.

For diversity and equality, the more diverse your mentorship program is, the better it will be for all those who take part. Make sure you’re diversifying the group as much as possible, rather than filling all the mentor positions as the same gender or age group.

Improving equality within the workplace is important and there are plenty of ways in which you can continue to do so and help inspire a new generation of business owners and workers for diversity and equality.

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