5 Lessons I Learned on Cruise Ships

5 Lessons I Learned on Cruise Ships

I recently had dinner with a cousin I hadn’t seen in years and as we were catching up on our lives, she asked me what I’d learned from working on cruise ships. I was a little taken aback, especially since my cruise ship days ended more than five years ago, but as a I reflected…

What to Pack to Live on a Cruise Ship

What to Pack to Live on a Cruise Ship

So you just landed a job on a cruise ship and now you need to know what to bring with you, right? If this is your first time away from home for months at a time, trying to figure out how to pack is incredibly daunting. For my first contract, they told me they would…

True Story: I Lived on a Cruise Ship

True Story: I Lived on a Cruise Ship

So, like I haven’t rambled about my weird adventures enough in the last two weeks… if you wanted to know more about what it was like to live on a cruise ship, check out my guest post over at Budgets Are Sexy. Some people do crazy things like recycle their toilet paper to save a…

How I Chose My Major

How I Chose My Major

Today the fabulous Eva from TeensGotCents swapped posts, so if you want to check out mine, you’ll need to head over to her site. Make sure you don’t miss her post on dual enrollment though! Sometimes I think arts and humanities degrees get a bad wrap. A recent comment over on my blog fired me…