5 Tips for Reaching Financial Stability

The key to feeling secure financially is not reliant on the amount of money you make. The most fiscally secure people make the most of what they have and are smart stewards of their money. If you’re ready for more financial freedom, take a look at a few of the steps to take to get…

Sometimes a MacBook is a Frugal Decision

Sometimes a MacBook is a Frugal Decision

A few months ago before the release of the iPhone6, I wrote a post calling out Apple Fever and warning you all to watch your motives behind spending. I’m definitely not one to advocate getting the newest and shiniest toy just because it’s there. But… I do advocate quality. I think one of the biggest…

How to Save Money on Your Halloween Costume

How to Save Money on Your Halloween Costume

If you check out your average Halloween store or even a Target or Walmart, costumes are going to cost you upwards of $20. To add insult to injury, they’re just going to be boring, generic costumes… and likely the slutty version of something otherwise normal if you’re a girl. Speaking of… check out this HILARIOUS…

Millennial on a Budget

Financially Savvy Saturdays #54

Welcome to Financially Savvy Saturdays, the savviest personal finance blog hop on the planet, created specifically for personal finance writers! We welcome all things money here. Whether you’ve written anything from thrifty DIYs to credit card churning your way to Bora Bora, you’re invited to link-up. If it ties into personal finance, we want to read it!…

Give the Gift of an Experience

Give the Gift of an Experience

Last week I saw this great infographic over at Financially Blonde about whether or not money makes people happier – to an extent, yes, but mostly no. The point of the infographic was that it’s not how much money you have, it’s what you spend it on. With Mother’s Day right around the corner, I…

Budget Travel: Carhenge

Budget Travel: Carhenge

One thing the Midwest really has going for it is weird roadside attractions (among other things, the Midwest is actually really cool. I mean, they have tumbleweed too!). Maybe it’s the long distances between towns. Maybe it’s something to do with all the farming. I really have no idea. But a lot of the strangest…