Explain Brokerage Accounts to Me

Explain Brokerage Accounts to Me

Glad you asked, reader! For me, brokerage accounts were one of the bigger signs I was starting to do ok financially. There are a few goals I feel should be hit before you start to worry too much about brokerage accounts: Debts paid off (or totally managing low interest debt payments). Emergency fund fully stocked.…

Buying Death

My family has been talking about stocks a lot while I’ve been home and I got showcase my little portfolio superstar a little more than usual. What my folks and my brother wanted to know was – how did I pick this stock? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for maxing out retirement accounts and…

How to Stop Fearing Stocks

Let’s face it; the stock market can be pretty intimidating. It’s like a foreign country – they use their own lingo, money suddenly seems to work differently and it’s (seemingly) in a constant state of unrest. It’s so easy to get swept up in the panic that the media can create about stocks crashing. They…

What are the Advantages of CFD Trading?

CFDs or Contract for Difference is an agreement between two parties (the buyers and the seller). It is their agreement to exchange the difference in current value of the financial instrument and also its value at the time of the contract. If it is negative, the buyer will pay the difference amount to the seller.…

How to Pick Individual Stocks

How to Pick Individual Stocks

  One of my financial goals each year for the past few has been to buy at least $1,000 in stocks. I’ve been sticking with individual stocks for this goal since my retirement accounts are loaded with mutual funds – but if you don’t own any stocks, either is fine and mutual fund and index…

TradeKing: Jumpstart Your Investments

TradeKing: Jumpstart Your Investments

Sometimes I have some high falutin’ ideas. For example… there are a lot of books on my bookshelf that I know I should read and a lot of trashy novels I actually have read. When I was in college, my aunt would send me a $35 VISA or AmEx birthday and Christmas gift card every…

Is Home Trading the Future of Side Hustles?

The Internet has opened up a wealth of opportunities for those with drive and vision. Naturally, some of these will represent short-lived trends while others are a viable means to enjoy sustainable wealth over time. One such area which has enjoyed a great deal of attention concerns the rise of the Forex markets in terms…

Why the Stock Market is NOT Like Russian Roulette

Occasionally I overhear things that make me cringe – or make me remember why I write this blog. The first day of rehearsals at my new job, I was busy setting up my rehearsal room and checking some final things while the cast were sitting around chatting. The conversation to turned to saving and investing…

Are You Ready to Have a Kapitall Time?

Are You Ready to Have a Kapitall Time?

**This is a sponsored post and Kapitall comped my buy in for this tournament. But I am freaking in love with the Magic K Ball. With the what? Read on.** Do you love poker AND the stock markets? Because I’ve found a site for you. Kapitall lets you play the stock market before playing the…

This Idiot’s Guide to Buying Stocks

Disclaimer: You probably shouldn’t follow my stock picking advice. I really have very little idea what I’m doing. But almost everything I read about how to pick stocks is super overwhelming to me and I thought I might not be the only one who feels the same. So… from someone equally overwhelmed, here’s what I…

Wall Street Survivor

Wallstreetsurvivor.com – my new favorite toy. It gives you $100,000 to “play” the stock market. You invest in what you want and watch it grow – or not.  So far, I am not doing great. I researched a few stocks in two markets I was curious about – one was value/discount chains (I read an…