Side Hustling: A Look at the Last Two Years

Side Hustling: A Look at the Last Two Years

So at the end of this month, I’m celebrating two years of blogging. That might not seem like a lot, but that’s a little more than 300 posts written just for brokeGIRLrich, not to mention all the other opportunities that have opened up to me since I started blogging. Aside from being my own personal…

Accountability: October 2014

Profile I am thirty years old and I still work as an assistant production manager. I’m debt free, live in one of the most expensive cities in America, and my yearly salary is $53,560. Saving & Spending Who maxed out her IRA this month? That’s right, this girl. Take that Money Manifesto for IRA 2014…

When Side Hustles Attack

Side hustling is terrific. It’s a way to pick up some extra dough to make lean times a little less difficult, to bulk up your savings, to pay down your debt or even to dip your toes into the self-employed world while still holding onto all the perks of your day job. I’m a big…

Accountability: April 2014

Profile I am twenty-nine years old. I work as an assistant production manager and my yearly salary is $52,000. I live in NYC, which is occasionally awesome for picking up side hustle work, since there’s just so much stuff here. Saving & Spending Can I just say that when checked out my editorial calendar to…

Accountability: March 2014

Profile I am twenty-nine years old. I work as an assistant production manager and my yearly salary is $52,000. I live in NYC, aka the most expensive place on earth, and am still often wondering why on earth I left my last job where room and board were part of my salary. Saving & Spending…