8 Things to Know Before Moving to New York City

8 Things to Know Before Moving to New York City

If you’re an early career stage manager thinking of making the move to NYC, there are a few important financial decisions to make before taking the leap. Some questions to consider: Are your student loans paid off? What is your max rent budget? Have you budgeted for additional expenses? Do you have enough savings to…

Accountability: June 2017

Profile I am thirty-two years old and I am a Stage Manager at Sleep No More in New York City. My contract just extended through January. I make $115/show and work 7-8 shows a week. Saving & Spending So on the plus side, life does not feel like I’m on a runaway roller coaster anymore.…

Free Theater in NYC

It’s not uncommon to hear about the cost of Hamilton tickets in the news these days. Leading up to Lin–Manuel Miranda’s last performance, tickets were showing up on StubHub for $20,000 a piece and the cheapest tickets available on that site was $1,350. Now that the original cast has departed, ticket prices should drop to…

The $2.50 Subway Conundrum

Yesterday as I was walking 20 blocks to Penn Station after work, I had some time to think. You see, I wasn’t on a tight schedule after work, it was a nice day and I figured, why spend $2.50 if I don’t have to on the subway back? My travel stipend for this job just…

#NYCWin: Free Opera

#NYCWin: Free Opera

Ok, so some of you out there might not consider free opera a win. Personally, I had no stance on opera at all, which is a little weird given my whole career path. I do remember a sort of masochistic 20 year old Mel hearing that opera was the hardest thing to stage manage and…

#NYCWin: Free Kayaking

#NYCWin: Free Kayaking

Usually when I write about life in NYC, I regale you all with one of my Fail tales. This past week though, I actually scored an NYC win that I thought I’d share with any locals or folks headed here in the summer. Free kayaking! Erin over at Broke Millennial has this great list of…

The Beauty of the Bodega

The Beauty of the Bodega

Until I moved to NYC, bodega was just a word I learned and promptly forgot in my high school Spanish class. Now, it’s kind of my life line. You can get pretty much anything at the corner store – milk, eggs, alcohol, full meals, toilet paper, duct tape, even lottery tickets if you’re feeling lucky.…

#NYCFail: Drinking

#NYCFail: Drinking

Moving to NYC has made me super budget conscious. Fortunately, I work a lot and don’t have many friends in the city. Being on my own most of the time makes it easy to stick to my budget, and hanging out with my hometown friends on the weekends in NJ is so much cheaper than…

#NYCFail - I Lost My Metrocard. Again.

#NYCFail – I Lost My Metrocard. Again.

You may have noticed that more than once I’ve talked about losing my Metrocard (here, oh, and here). Lots of times when you talk about a fail, you don’t get the most sympathetic audience, but based on the responses I got regarding losing my Metrocard, I’m not the only who has frantically searched all of…

#NYCFail – Brokerage Fees

I think in the personal finance blogger realm, we like to dole out advice and tips about all our awesome saving, investing, frugal, thrifty, money wins. But sometimes we fail. And this is one of those stories.   One of my resolutions this year was to get my own apartment in NYC. It had been…