How Apps Can Improve Your Finances

How Apps Can Improve Your Finances

Apps are good for more than the occasional game of Candy Crush. They can be used to manage your finances and can even help you make some money. Here are my favorite apps of the week. Manage your Money Mint. When it comes to managing a budget, I feel like I have tried every trick…

digit: Do You Have Trouble Saving?

digit: Do You Have Trouble Saving?

  Update: 4/18/17: In light of digit’s move to start charging $2.99/month for their services, you may want to check out my post What Are Some Other Ways to Save besides digit?  A few months ago, I wrote about an app called Acorns that helps automate your savings and lets you take baby steps into investing.…

Acorns: An App for Planting Your Pennies

Acorns: An App for Planting Your Pennies

Finding money to sock away for the future can be pretty difficult. Whether you’re living paycheck to paycheck or funneling everything towards paying off your debt, how can you ever expect to get ahead? Acorns is an app that could help you start saving for the future. After you download the app, you connect your…