Let’s Talk About Net Worth Worksheets

Let’s Talk About Net Worth Worksheets

So over the last few weeks, we looked at budgets and the some tips behind spending less and earning more. I think of budgets as sort of a living thing that you have to experiment with a bit to find a system that really works for you. I’ll level with you. I don’t love budgets.…

How to Use Mint: A One Week Challenge

How to Use Mint: A One Week Challenge

If you’re swimming in a sea of financial confusion, the first step you have to do is evaluate where exactly you are. You need to know if you’re actually just a little too far out to sea, the shoreline is right there beyond the horizon, or if you’ve fallen off a boat in the middle…

Budget 101: Electronic Tools

Keeping track of your budget is definitely a pain in the butt – I get it – but with all the free tools online to help you, it doesn’t have to be. 30 minutes of effort can get you set up with any of these sites. Keep in mind, if you’re going to use an…