The Bucket List Conundrum

The Bucket List Conundrum

Everywhere I turn there seems to be a new BuzzFeed article about bucket lists – especially bucket lists for your 20s, bucket lists for singles, etc. When I was a teenager, someone told me about bucket lists and they seemed like such a cool idea I went ahead and made one – but my bucket…

Being the Boss of Yourself is Hard

Being the Boss of Yourself Sucks

Adulting is hard. Constantly being the boss of yourself is exhausting. Every day is an endless stream of decisions and it would be so much easier at times to have my mom making them for me, like when I was a little kid. Do I start the day with Captain Crunch or oatmeal?  I know…

The Non-Committal Millennial & Finance

I was visiting two old ship friends last week when one of them asked if I’d ever noticed how noncommittal our generation is, and actually, I had. We were planning to do something and she had sent a friend a text to join us saying: “We’re thinking about doing whatever this afternoon.” While the conversation…

Debt by the Numbers

Everywhere you look in America, there are endless headlines about debt – every generation and every type of debt. We seem to be very thorough about getting into debt here. Plenty of other nations moan about their debt levels, but America isn’t really doing that awesome (although also not as bad as some seem to…