Net Worth: September 2014

Accountability: September 2014

Profile I am thirty years old and where the heck did September go? I work as an assistant production manager and, my yearly salary is $53,560. Saving & Spending I managed to put a few hundred dollars more in my IRA, but not as much as I had hoped. On the plus side, I’m only…

I Side Hustled My Way to #FinCon14

I Side Hustled My Way to FinCon14

I figure it’s time to follow up on how my Side Hustle Your Way to FinCon actually went… especially since side hustling is for everyone. Seriously – everyone. Check out this list. Pick something. Get on it. Back in March, I decided I was going to attend FinCon – a conference “where money and media…

Yay America! Blowin' Stuff Up!

Accountability: July 2014

Profile I am thirty years old and this is the first accountability update of my thirties. I am so going to nail this decade. It’s the year of Mel. I work as an assistant production manager and to start out the year of Mel, my yearly salary increased to $53,560. Not a huge jump, but I’m…

Side Hustle Your Way to FinCon '14

Side Hustle Your Way to FinCon ’14

Doesn’t all of this talk of side hustling make you want to take action? And isn’t it easier with a GOAL? Well, if you were thinking of going to FinCon, let me provide you with one: Want to join the SIDE HUSTLE YOUR WAY TO FINCON competition? The first person to raise $1500 side hustling…