Falling Off The Wagon

Falling Off the Wagon

Hi, my name is Mel and I have fallen off the wagon. I couldn’t tell you where my money has gone this month if I tried, but I have gone shopping nearly every day after work for the last two weeks. The primary culprit here is boredom, but I totally know who is to blame…

How Was Your Resolve?

Are you guys resolution makers? To be honest, I usually put a little effort into thinking of a few things and then totally forget about them – one of the benefits of blogging though is constantly keeping your goals in view. Last year I got to write a guest post over at Fit is the…

Sometimes You Just Suck

Not to brag, but I’m one of those people who has largely breezed by in life. I’m extremely lucky to have parents who were super supportive, but also strict as all get out, which instilled in a lot of really good habits in me when I was really young. I’m also pretty smart. I’m not…

When Side Hustles Attack

Side hustling is terrific. It’s a way to pick up some extra dough to make lean times a little less difficult, to bulk up your savings, to pay down your debt or even to dip your toes into the self-employed world while still holding onto all the perks of your day job. I’m a big…

#NYCFail - I Lost My Metrocard. Again.

#NYCFail – I Lost My Metrocard. Again.

You may have noticed that more than once I’ve talked about losing my Metrocard (here, oh, and here). Lots of times when you talk about a fail, you don’t get the most sympathetic audience, but based on the responses I got regarding losing my Metrocard, I’m not the only who has frantically searched all of…