Hit Up Etsy for Inexpensive Wedding Gifts

Hit Up Etsy for Inexpensive Wedding Gifts

Weddings are expensive and the rigmarole of wedding etiquette is seriously ridiculous – and pretty outdated. I think it’s perfectly fine to RSVP no if the bride or groom would be offended that you can’t afford much of a gift. There are a few folks in my life that ascribe to such strict etiquette in…


The Budget Guide to a Geeky Christmas

I’m still fairly young but sometimes I think back to what a struggle it was to find something unique when I was in high school and I’m amazed at the progress technology has made. I remember thinking I was winning at life when I found a super obscure ska band from West Virginia called Distorted…

Is DIY Worth It?

Is DIY Worth It?

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to furnish my apartment in a financially responsible manner. Overall I’d call the resolution a success, but while I was working on it, I became a little too addicted to DIY blogs. There are some brilliant, skilled folks out there making magic happen that costs them next to…

Accountability: April 2014

Profile I am twenty-nine years old. I work as an assistant production manager and my yearly salary is $52,000. I live in NYC, which is occasionally awesome for picking up side hustle work, since there’s just so much stuff here. Saving & Spending Can I just say that when checked out my editorial calendar to…

Accountability: March 2014

Profile I am twenty-nine years old. I work as an assistant production manager and my yearly salary is $52,000. I live in NYC, aka the most expensive place on earth, and am still often wondering why on earth I left my last job where room and board were part of my salary. Saving & Spending…