Money for Memories

Money for Memories

I feel like I keep harping on spending money lately, but I think it’s just because it’s where I’m at in life. When I was paying down debt, I wrote post after post about doing just that. When I was finally debt free, I went on a budgeting spree to figure out how to organize…

Debt Free! Now What? | brokeGIRLrich

Debt Free! Now What?

Sending in that last debt payment is an incredible feeling! I skipped away from the mailbox. I splurged with a legitimate “I earned this” feeling on my next trip to the grocery store (and buy splurged I mean I bought two items I’d be staring down for months and just kept telling myself they were…

Net Worth: November 2013

Accountability: November 2013

Profile I am twenty-nine years old. I work as an associate production manager and my yearly salary is $38,000. I live on a train most of the year and stay with my parents for free during my vacations, so I have no rent or utilities to pay other than a $50 a month internet fee…