Some Thoughts About Credit Cards

Some Thoughts About Credit Cards

Lots of people seem to have lots of opinions about credit cards. For me, I am super pro credit card. I always pay off my balances. So far I’ve never struggled with too much impulse buying (I joke about the candles… it can get a bit excessive, but it is under control). I recognize this…

Is Global Entry Worth It?

Is Global Entry Worth It?

And now for a small break into a post that has nothing to do with Coronavirus, just a reminder that there was a world before, and a hopefulness that there will still be the same old world after. I have flown a lot over the last year. Definitely more than the last several years combined.…

Coronavirus and Freelancing in the Arts

Coronavirus and Freelancing in the Arts

A few days ago, I came across this tweet and thought, “we are all pretty screwed if the freelancers who never mention money are now worrying about money”: Of course, I think about money all the time, so no surprise there. The number of events starting to get cancelled or moved to an undetermined date…

Resetting on Travel Hacking

Resetting on Travel Hacking

Guys, I love travel hacking. It is absolutely not for everyone, but if you pay off your credit card balance every month (like, every. single. month.) then it might be awesome for you too. Travel rewards cards often have astronomic interest rates. If you miss a single monthly payment, it’s not impossible you can knock…

Why Caring about Your Credit History is Important

Why Caring about Your Credit History is Important

Most of the people associate a credit report with banks, financial institutions, loans, credit cards, and so on. However, there is more to a credit report. Maintaining a good credit report is a sign that you are leading a disciplined life. It shows that you are in control of one of the most important aspects…

How I Travel Hacked Hawaii (in 3 months)

The trick to really rocking the travel rewards is to plan ahead. For FinCon 2014, I travel hacked my flight and hotel and NJ Transit and managed to spend an amazing weekend in New Orleans for $608.87 – with just under half of that being the FinCon ticket itself. However, I knew I wanted to…

Blessings in Disguise - Part I

Blessings In Disguise – Part I

I’m not always the most optimistic person and there are definitely times I get a little bogged down in how much things suck, but recently it occurred to me that sometimes the money irritations in my life are actually blessings in disguise. The first time I applied for a rewards credit card, I was rejected.…

Don’t Carry a Balance on Your Credit Cards

I had an alarming conversation with my little brother recently. He’s a pretty smart dude, just turned 21, and recently got his first credit card. I was talking with him about how I was starting to get into credit card churning and he was interested in hearing about all the rewards card perks. Then he…

A Credit Card Fraud Story

A Credit Card Fraud Story

**This post is not sponsored by Roomba or CapitalOne. But it should be.** Roombas trigger an entirely different emotion in me these days. At the end of last month, I logged onto my CapitalOne account to pay my bill and found it was roughly double what I expected it to be. As I scanned the…